Where am I?

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~Third person POV~

Undertaker was getting a cookie from the jar when a bright light came from a coffin by the front door. "What was that?"  Undertaker thought aloud. "Oh well, it's a surprise for later then!" he said giggling. Just then the front door to his little shop swung open. In walked a boy with bright blue eyes, one was covered up by an eye patch. His hair was dark might night blue. He held himself high, since he was a noble. Behind him was his butler. He had black hair, and red piercing eyes. Undertaker spoke first while giggling, "Hello young earl. Can I fit you for one of my coffins today?"  "No," the young boy said clearly annoyed, "I want to see the body of the lasted victim." Undertaker was about to responded when a knocking could be heard coming from the front of the shop. Undertaker knew that it was coming from the coffin.  "Did... that come from a coffin?" the earl asked. Undertaker just laughed as an answer. "Let me my lord." The black heard butler said. He opened the coffin that was lying on the wall by the front door. As he reached for the lid the knocking became banging. He opened it and a blonde haired girl fell out. She looked up and her bright lime green eyes meet with the red on ones of the butler. Her eyes went to each of the men and boy standing in the shop. Her mouth dropped as she spoke. "Holy crap..." "I didn't think crap could be holy, my lady." The butler said helping her up. This earned a crazy laughter from Undertaker. The girl pointed to the earl, "You're Ceil!" she turned her finger to the sliver haired Undertaker, "You're Undertaker! And you're" she turned to look at the butler, her hand at her side, "You're the crow demon Sebastian." Her eyes widened. She turned and ran out the door leaving the people shocked. Undertaker giggled and said "That on is interesting." Ceil turned to undertaker and continued wanting information. Sebastian was still looking at the front door. 'She has glasses and green eyes like a reaper....' He thought. 'And what was with the weird cloths she's wearing?'

~Sarah's POV~

I opened my eyes to find darkness. I lifted my hand to reach out only to find a door. I felt around for a handle, but there was none. I could hear voices through the door so I knocked. I began to bang getting worried that I would be left in here.  The door opened and I feel out. I looked up to find a pair of red eyes staring at me. The man who opened the door had red eyes, black hair and was a wearing a suit. 'He reminds me of Black Butler...' I think. Then I relied that he was Sebastian. "Holy crap." Was all I could say right now. "I didn't think crap could be holy, my lady." He said. He helped me up as a crazy laughter shock the place. I looked around to find out who or what that laughter was from. I then took note that a boy who looked like Ceil was here and maybe Undertaker. Yup they were both them. I pointed a finger at Ceil, "You're Ceil! You're Undertaker! And you're" I looked at the demon butler, "Sebastian the crow demon." I then remembered that (Y/N) both fell into the light and might be here too. So I turned and ran out the front door. This luckily was right there.  Going outside I saw that people were wearing old fashion cloths. They were looking at me funny but I didn't care, I needed to find my friends. I turn to run and I saw the sun setting. 'Great'  I thought ' I hope I can find then soon' And I ran. There in the walkway was a rock, I wanted to jump over it, so I did. I landed on the other side over the rock.... On the roof of a house. I looked down at the road below and no one seemed to notice. I didn't get why I jumped so high, no human could do that. I sat down to think about it for a moment. 'ok, if I'm in black butler then... oh I wrote to have a black butler character in that book. So what did I write....that I have the same blonde hair and... I'm a reaper!' I get up feeling happy and full of energy now. I go to jump to the next house over and land of my face. I groan as I fall off the roof. "I need to work on that." I say getting of the ground. I was in an ally way, in the back was a long red haired man chasing something. It was a... cat? "Get back here you little... ow! You scratched me! How dare you! Just come here, Bassy loves cats so come here!" That sounded like Grell? "Um... you are Grell?" I ask getting closer. "Hum?" he turns and looks at me. "Yes? Can I help you?" He says putting his hand on his hip. I then thought of something. He could help me get to the manor and I could ask Ciel to help. "So, you're trying to get that cat? If I help you can I come with you to Sebastian?" I ask. He looks me up and down. "How do you know my Bassy?" I then pick up the cat with no fuss. I turned to Grell, "I um... heard you two are getting married? Ya, it's a rumor in the younger reapers." He gets of red in the face and has a nose bleed. "Really?" I nod; it was not true of course. I know Sebastian would never marry him, and I don't know any other reaper. But I was playing on his dreams.  "OK, let's go rookie." He says jumping off in to the night. I followed as best as I could. Let's just say I would have rather walked than land and my face 500 times.

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