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"Inks POV"
So we are walking back from our meeting of classics gaster so we decided to trust him till he dose something bad."are we there yet error or did u get us lost" I asked error who's leading the way cause he said he knew the place like an iron fist " yep we got lost"nightmare said as I facepalm when error just nodded " he's right" error said we hear talking so we go over to check it out to see cross talking to someone but we didn't see the person.

"Errors POV"
"Cross?" I yell from behind him when the person he was talking to left and he turned around to face us"ink,Nightmare,error? What are u guys doing here" cross asked us " someone here got us lost" ink said looking at me " you know u could of just teleported or something" cross stated as nightmare sighed" why didn't we think of that" nightmare stated " cause u guys are stupid"cross said as we all get mad" no we are not" ink yelled at cross as we all cross or arms "I think u are"cross stated "anyway we got to get back to classic"nightmare said "wanna come?" Error asked as cross nodded and we started walking.

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