Part 1

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Taehyung is a normal boy who is hard working. Taehyung would do anything to have his family back to normal, but he knows that will never happen, as his family hates his gut and only use him. Taehyung has a sister that will try taking all Taehyung's money, why you may ask, well his sister is too lazy to earn her own money and spoiled.

Jungkook, Taehyung's closes friend is different. Jungkook changed so much through the years. As much as Taehyung can remember, Jungkook has always been the nicest person ever until Jungkook met his first girlfriend. Samantha that's the girlfriends name, she was a complete bitch, she did everything she can to keep Taehyung away from Jungkook. And Jungkook being a stupid boy in love listened to Samantha.

Taehyung for a year straight tried telling Jungkook that Samantha was cheating on him but Jungkook being Jungkook never listened. Jungkook and Taehyung ended up getting into a massive fight. And Taehyung had to leave Jungkook's house as Taehyung moved in with Jungkook and his parents. Jungkook's parent were nice enough to let Taehyung stay.

But because of the massive fight Taehyung was upset at Jungkook, and Jungkook being mad told Taehyung to leave his house. Taehyung being a good person and listening to his friends, he waited until Jungkook was out of the house and Taehyung took a few clothes and left the house. Taehyung wanted to go back to his parent's house, but he knew his parent too well too let himself be tortured by them. So, Taehyung stayed on the streets for a month. He didn't eat or sleep much so Taehyung lost so much weight, maybe too much weight.

Taehyung would walk past everyone in school and they all bullied him has Taehyung didn't have Jungkook by his side. Jungkook would always protect Taehyung, but because of Samantha, Jungkook changed from a nice boy to a bad boy. Matter of a fact Jungkook was now the school most popular bad boy. Taehyung would smile when he saw Jungkook happy, it would remind Taehyung of all the good moments with Jungkook.

Taehyung has other friends, but he shut them out, he had shut everyone out of his life. All Taehyung wanted was Jungkook back. His childhood friend, his family, his stepmother and father back. His stepmother and father were Jungkook's parents.

After some time of Taehyung sleeping on the streets and getting beaten up on the streets and at school, Jungkook had finally came up to Taehyung and apologised for his behaviour. Taehyung smiled and hugged Jungkook with all his will. Jungkook allowed Taehyung back into the house. For the first few weeks it was awkward between them, but soon it was all back to normal and they were better then ever.

And that's all that happened last year, Taehyung since that day has kept a LOT to himself, Taehyung has always been the type to talk about everything on his mind. All his problems were told to his friends, but now Taehyung barely ever speaks. All of BTS noticed his behaviour but never said anything to Taehyung, now Taehyung and Jungkook are sharing a room has Jungkook's grandma came to live with them as she needs extra care.

So, Taehyung let his room go and gave gran the room. Now Taehyung sleeps with Jungkook in the same bed.

Although Taehyung and Jungkook are closer now, Jungkook still worries about Taehyung has he is not as cheerful as he used to be. Taehyung after the fight was just too scared to say something wrong that will separate him and Jungkook. So, he always kept his mouth shut, as much as he wanted to talk and let his feelings out, he kept it in and never spoke.

Jungkook's p.o.v

"Taehyung are you ready for bed yet" I asked Taehyung as he was doing some homework.

"No.... Just sleep" I sighed and went to sleep without waiting for Taehyung.

I miss Taehyung, although he is always with me and around me, I always feel like he is far away from me. I wish he could tell me what's on his mind like he used too. I wish he was as cheerful as he used to be. After what felt like forever but was actually 10 minutes, I felt the bed dip behind me. I made it seem like I was completely asleep. I felt Taehyung wrap his hand around me waist.

"I am so sorry Jungkook. I love you bestie" I smiled hearing that. That's probably the most he said this week. I turned around and hugged him back.

"I love you too bestie, remember that. Don't be scared to talk to me, there's nothing you could say or do to drive me away from you" I kissed his forehead and tightened me grip around his waist.

What did I do wrong Taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now