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I was walking towards the library to find my crush.
Hermione Granger.
I'm not supposed to like her, I'm a Malfoy, she's a Mudblood.

Once I got to the library I saw her in a corner of the library.

I walked up to her.

"Hey Hermione." I said.
"What do you want Malfoy?" She asked in an annoyed tone.
"I wanted to ask you something you'll probably deny, and that's fine cause then I can fulfill the last thing on my bucket list which is to lock myself in a room and die." I paused, "But, will you Hermione Granger, go to the Yule Ball with me?"
She looked at me then back at the book, then to me.
"Sure..." She said slowly.
"I'll see you in front of the great Hall?"
I was waiting at the steps of the entrance to the great Hall.  I saw Potter and Weasley waiting out front too.  They looked up the stairs and so did I.  And I saw the most beautiful person in existence.

Hermione.  She walked down the stairs and I stood up.  Potter and Weasley walked up to her, then I did.

Harry noticed me and glared.

"What are you doing here Malfoy?" He asked
"Getting my date." I answered.
He looked at Hermione.
"Are you absolutely and utterly crazy??" He asked her.
"Nope. I was." I told them.
"My brother is going to murder me!"
"Good, a way to get rid of one Malfoy." Ron muttered.
"I can still hear you."

McGonagall came over.

"Okay, Mr. Malfoy, Ms. Granger.  You may go inside, you too, Mr. Weasley and Ms. Patil."
"Yes proffeser." I turned to Hermione.  "Will you accompany me?"
"Certainly Mal- Garth." She replied.

When we walked in, I saw, Crabbe's, Goyle's, Blaise's, and my brother, Draco's jaws drop when they saw me with Hermione.


I went to get a drink for Hermione when Draco came up to me.

"Are you mental!?!" He asked/whisper-yelled. "A Mudblood?? Out of everyone, a Mudblood??"
"She is not a Mudblood!" I told him, "she's more than that.  She's kind and funny and smart. Why can't I be happy without you flipping out all the time??"
I turned my back to him and walked off to Hermione.

When I got to her I handed her a drink and sat next to her.  I saw Ron and Harry glare at me.

I took a sip of my drink and looked at Harry and Ron.

"Why do you guys hate me?" I asked them, they seemed surprised.
"Because you're a Slytherin and a Malfoy." Ron answered.
"Wow... And here I thought Slytherin's were judgy. Well this was nice, but it seems like it's time for me to go." I got up and walked out of the great Hall and went into an empty hallway and slid down the wall and sat down.  Tears slowly coming down my face.

A couple minutes later, Hermione came around the corner and saw me.

"Garth?" She said.  I wiped my tears with my sleeve.
"Her to make fun of me, Hermione?" I asked.
"No. I came to find you and apologize for their behavior." She sat next to me.  "You know, it's okay to cry."
"Not for a Malfoy. Malfoys are supposed to be perfect. Dad expects me to be perfect."
She put her head on my shoulder.  "I think you're perfect." She looked at me and we locked eyes. 

Both of us slowly leaned in and Our lips met.  Her lips are so soft and warm.  This is gonna sound cliche but, I felt fireworks.

We kissed for a good minute, then pulled away.

"That was-" Hermione started to say,
"Amazing." I finished for her.

We leaned in again and it was even better than last time.

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