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It was the day of the second test and me and 'Mione have been dating in secret for a little bit.

But Hermione went missing today.  I think it has something to do with the test.


Victor Krum just resurfaced, and said that Hermione was down their, and that was his test.

Me being the caring boyfriend I am, took off my jacket and did the stupid thing.  I jumped off of the top platform and into the water to 'save' her. 

I swam deeper and deeper.  I saw Hermione and took out my wand and pointed it at the chains.  But a mermaid thing came up and tried to stop me.  I pointed my wand at it.

"Stupify!" I said weakly trying to conserve air.  The mer-people were blasted back.

I blasted the chains, and with my last bit of air used a spell to launch Hermione onto the platform.

My vision began to get blurry as my lungs began to burn, and water filled my mouth and nose.

When I woke up I saw Hermione in a chair next to me.

"M...m..mione..." I said weakly. 

She saw I was awake and hugged me.

"Do you know how much you scared me??" She basically yelled at me.
"At the time, I was only thinking of you."
"You do realize that I would've been fine!"
"Yeah. But I guess this shows how much I... How much I really love you."

She looked at me for a second then kissed me.  We kissed for a couple of minutes before we heard someone fake cough.

"Son, why are you kissing a, Mudblood?" My father, Lucius asked.
"Oh spare me of your high and mighty bullshit.  I don't care if she's a Mudblood. It doesn't matter to me. So if you call her a Mudblood one more time so hep me, I will set Ginny on you."
"Ginny, Ginny Weasley, who is very good at bat bogey hexes. So you should probably get out now."
"Very well. Just to let you know, you-who will call soon." He said before walking away.

I looked at where he walked away from.

"Go! Get Dumbledore! Now, quick!" I asked Hermione and she quickly ran to get Dumbledore.

I rolled up my right sleeve and saw what haunts my nightmares. 
The dark mark;

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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