Cheating On My Boyfriend Prank (Jin)

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J- Y/n?

Y- Yes Jinnie?

J- Baby I'm not going to make it home today.

Y- What?? I got so prepared for you to come home

J- So sorry we have extra work to do today
     I will make it up to you when I get home okay? And please don't prank me this time~

Y- Haha okay I won't prank you. But you better make up for this Kim Seokjin

J- Oh I'm so scared. 

Y- Whatever, beware.

J- Bye babe 

I put my phone down and frowned. Jin really gave my hopes up this time, there's no way I'm letting him go prank-free this time. I've pranked Jin a handful of time before but not recently, and I just told him I wouldn't prank him, so he won't be expecting it. I sat in thought, what should I do this time? I decided to call my prank buddy, Taehyung.

Y- Taehyung?
T- Hey noona! What's up?
Y- I heard you guys are staying in with work?
T- It was optional, so I didn't

I felt my body heating up.

Y- Optional?? Then why'd Jin leave me to do that

I frowned.

T- I don't know, he was eager to do extra work
Y- Well now I need to prank him
T- Oh this is what it's about
Y- Well yeah what else would it be
T- I don't know
Y- Well I need to come up with a good prank
T- Oh! I've wanted to try the classic cheating prank with Jin.
Y- Cheating?
T- You don't have to actually cheat, don't worry.
Y- Oh okay. Can you come over and help me?
T- Yeah sure! I'll be there in 10
Y- Okay bye!
T- Bye!

I put down my phone and thought for a bit. What would I have to do for this prank...?
I thought for about 10 minutes, which is when Taehyung burst open my door and came in uninvited.

T- Alright let's get this started.
Y- Oh! Tae you scared me!!

Taehyung laughed a bit.

T- Sorry, I'm excited for this!

I glanced at the bag he was holding.

Y- You got stuff?
T- I didn't buy it, just stuff from home.
Y- Oh! Show me
T- Okay so basically just some clothes that are going to be scattered everywhere.
Y- Not so many!
T- Really? Well we don't have to use all of them anyway.

Taehyung got a phone call.

T- Oh! It's Yoongi hyung.
Y- Well answer it
T- Yeah yeah

He stepped outside and started chatting. I peeked inside the bag.
Some socks, a hoodie, t-shirt, pants, a bundle of other clothes, a candle, and a note. I carefully picked up the messily written note and read it.
Sorry to leave in a hurry, had so much fun last night xx
I chuckled, I couldn't tell it was his handwriting. Taehyung came back inside.

T- Is it okay if Yoongi hyung came over?
Y- No problem here
T- Okay cool. I see you've gone through my bag
Y- The note was a nice touch
T- Yeah Jin hyung won't come until early morning, so I thought you could leave the note beside you before you sleep.
Y- That's a good idea!

After some more planning, Yoongi came over. We talked some more, and hung out.

Y- Yoongi, don't you think the note was a good touch?
Yo- Yeah, Tae made me write it
Y- Wait-- what? This is your handwriting? I couldn't recognize it!
Yo- Yeah it's pretty messy, not my real handwriting
Y- It's very nice.
T- I think we should go now, it's getting late
Yo- Yeah
Y- Okay
T- Oh! Hyung, we forgot the finishing touch to the prank
Yo- Oh yeah!
Y- Huh?

Yoongi suddenly took his brand new hoodie off and gave it to me.

Yo- Wear this.

I wore it, I thought it was odd for Yoongi to wear a hoodie of this style, but it was comfortable.

Yo- Jin hyung won't know it's mine, I bought it on the way here
Y- Thank you Yoongs!
Yo- Your welcome

They left. I was buried in the comfy hoodie, which Jin won't recognize but it did smell like Yoongi.

(Some time later) 

I slowly went to my room, looking at Yoongi's messy handwritten note. I climbed into bed with the two wine glasses resting on the night stand. It was obvious enough. I lied in bed thinking of Jin's reaction. He'll be so heartbroken, it'll be so evil. Eventually I drifted off into sleep after being buried in my thoughts.

(The next day aka prank day)

J- Y/NNN!!!!!

I heard Jin's voice go heavy as he hit me lightly with a pillow. I got up and rubbed my eye, I saw the two wine glasses from the corner of my eyes and instantly got reminded of the prank.

Y- Yes Jin?

Furiously, Jin pulled a small folded up piece of paper out of his pocket and chucked at right at me, it landed in my lap as I opened it, my cheeks flushing red. 
Jin snapped his fingers in front of my face, getting my attention and then gesturing to the wine glasses. His eyes pierced into mine, leaving me in a cold sweat as I tried to build up the courage to talk. I gulped loudly.

Y- W-wha--

I completely froze. Jin picked up a sock and threw it at me.

J- That's not my sock!
Y- J-Jin, I can explain
J- Explain? How do you explain cheating??
Y- Jin pleas-
J- NO! 

Jin dropped on the bed, making the bed sink.

J- W-who was it?

Jin's eyes went from fury to sadness in a matter of seconds. I sat there silent.
Jin just sighed, stood up and left.

J- Talk to me when you're ready

Jin said, wiping his tears and slamming the door loudly. I was in shock, he made me feel guilty even though I didn't do anything. I took a deep breath and proceeded to go to the living room, where Jin was sitting with his head in his hands.

Y- Jin baby
J- Don't baby me Y/n, who's hoodie is this

I could tell he was getting really riled up, I couldn't take it, my heart ached at this reaction. I decided to tell him... in a different way.

Y- It's Yoongi's...

Jin's eyes widened.

Y- Yeah he helped with the prank along with Taehyung
J- I CAN'T BELIEVE THI-- Wait a prank?

I burst out laughing. Jin stood there dumbfounded.

Y- Got you!!!!
J- Ahhh, Y/n!!! This was a prank?
Y- Yeah!!

Jin placed his hand over his heart.

J- I almost got a heart attack!
Y- Jin you know I would never cheat on you~
J- Your acting was good
Y- I wasn't acting, you are just really scary when you're angry

We laughed it off.

J- I have to get you back for all this one day
Y- One day meaning never
J- Oh you just keep thinking that, I'll get you when you're least expecting it
Y- Sure

I rolled my eyes. Jin hugged me tightly, covering me with kisses.

J- Yoongi wears stuff like this?
Y- No, it's really just for the prank
J- Well get it off, you look better with my hoodies on

I blushed. I quickly took the hoodie off. Jin took me in his arms and kissed me again.

J- Now that that's over, let's spend the day together
Y- Okay 
J- I love you

I smiled at those three words. My heart felt like it was flying.

Y- I love  you too.


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