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This is not my art it is credited to an amazing artist I found while scrolling through reddit called Meri An or on Instagram under merian.desu

This is an idea I had from the Paws and Claws event

       I have so many FEELINGS for this event- First of all foxes are my all time favorite animal.... Belphie is my favorite of the brothers. I feel like this is a sign. If I really were MC Belphie and I would be close to say the least. 


{This happens during the week after Satan and Mammon broke & spilled the antidote vial.} 

      Every once in a while Beel would still give into his instincts when he got hungry, Mammon would too when he got angry but somehow he knew better than to be around everyone when he started feeling weird. Even then all you had to do was throw him a ball or some string and he'd forget all about trying to eat me, it was cute seeing Satan and Mammon "get along" in those moments. If Lucifer had his work cut out for him before he sure as hell did now. But being a literal pack leader the brothers all listened to him, seemingly better than they did before, maybe that was also instinct. For the first day the brothers spent their time really trying to figure out and understand their abilities. Satan knew he could jump high but also being a cat he realized he could climb a lot better too, thus wreaking more havoc around the House of Lamentation just to make Lucifer's life a little more difficult. The only ones who didn't care too much were Lucifer, Levi and Belphie who just continued business as usual, Lucifer working, Levi gaming, and Belphie who although seemed a bit more active than usual still spent his time in the planetarium. I did my best too to never be alone with Mammon or Beel just in case they gave into instinct and also Lucifer just because of what happened the last time we were alone. It's not that I dislike  Lucifer, I respect him but I know that my heart belongs elsewhere, to one of the other brothers. One of the other brothers who happened to change into one of my favorite animals, if not my number one favorite. I just wanted to be alone with him, get away from the craziness happening within the walls of the house, maybe touch his soft fluffy ears a little and pet his tail. Yes definitely the tail, it just looked so soft and it really was but I didn't get all that much time to really feel his tail before the other brothers interrupted the moment. That's probably why I was on my way upstairs now, to go and spend some time with the lonely brother. That was until I was stopped in the hall by a certain demon I wasn't too particularly happy to see. 

      "Yo yo! Whaddup Y/N? Wanna go down to Levi's room and play some video games?"

      "Mammon you know damn well that Levi is brooding in his room. The poor otaku is embarrassed, especially after he found out what being an herbivore-man is. Also, Mammon do you think it's particularly smart for you to be in a room alone with a human and an herbivore? You'll probably be even more likely to attack me." I crossed my arms and looked ahead at the tan demon-tiger in front of me. I shook my head sadly because normally I would enjoy a day of gaming with the two brothers but recently Levi's mood hasn't been all that inviting and Mammon was like a bomb waiting to go off. The second-born looked at me and defensively put his arms in the air.

      "Woah woah you don't have to go there! I get it! Well what if we just-" I had gotten used to carrying around cat toys with me, it made distracting Mammon a lot easier than before. Which is what I was in the middle of doing. I pulled out a little toy mouse from my pocket that had a little bell on its tail. It would bounce around to the softest of touch when it was on the ground so it made it ideal for cats to swat around. Ideal for Mammons to chase after. I tossed it over the railing which Mammon greedily jumped after the chime of the bell. I heard a sound that indicated he landed on his feet just fine and was now play fighting  with Satan-cat over the toy. I continued to make my way up to the top of the House of Lamentation. As I turned the corner to head up to the Planetarium tower I heard a jingling voice behind me. Asmo. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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