I've missed you

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Aangs POV

I woke up with the sunlight hitting my eyes i could tell it was six by the horizon but i didnt care because i saw the love of my life next to me i starred at him gracefully and got up without waking him up and went to the kitchen i and made food for appa,momo,zuko,and me.once i was finished with appas and momos food i found them outside under the shade playing i brought them their food and they ate it all up in an instantce.soon i headed back to the kitchen finding zuko their drinking coffee ." Morin zuko" "Morin aang" zuko said as he kiss me on the head.i went to go make tea since i didnt really like coffee. It took a bit to make but i ended up sitting with zuko at the table were we ate some breakfast. We then went to go train he was practicing his firebending and i practice my earthbending.Soon after it was noon and i was going to go make lunch. I had made some soup since it was kinda cold so i told appa and momo to come inside. I placed a bowl in front of both of them and went to go fetch mine. Suddenly out of no where i felt two arms around me and i startled me so i ended up jumping in the air and landing on top of zuko and he laugh while i tried to crawl to my bowl of soup he got up and started to carry me to the kitchen bride style and feed me some soup " you dont have to feed me like a baby zuko""i missed you " he said while he kissed the top o my head and then i tured into a tomato. Soon he started to lick my ear it felt kind of weird it had been so long since we had done this and i know zuko was gonnaenjoy himself tonight.

Zukos P.O.V

i started to lick aangs ear i had missed him so much i then trailed down to his neck and i bite down he let out a small moan i chuckled darkly then roam my hands under his shirt then i pinched his nipple he let out a louder moan and then i bite down even harder i tasted a little bit of blood then i flipped him over to were he was facing me i kissed him and he kissed me back my hands were still roaming under his shirt then i burned it off without burning him he grab my shoulders as i went down his body trailing kissing him softly then e whispered "t-the bedroom" i smirked it was gonna be a fun day.

Hello everyone im sorry i took so long to write this my phone broke and it only saved some of this chapter so i had to rewrite it o i hope you can forgive me i do plan on continuing this smut chapter but not so much and i hope your all ok if you need some support my Dms are always open and my insta is Sarahchavez080.

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