Chapter 3

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Zero Tolerance had woken up the next day, "HOLY CRAP, WE'RE GOING TO BE MEETING UP WITH ALL TIME LOW!" Ollie yelled and threw a pillow out of pure excitement.

"I'M SO NERVOUS I'M GONNA THROW UP" Andy yelled jumping up and down with Ollie. The two jumped and squealed together waking up Blake.

"Go back to sleep," Blake growled.

Ollie ran to the kitchen, grabbing pans and hit them together, "WAKE UP, BLAKE. LALALALALALALALALA." Blake looked like she could have murdered Ollie right then and there if it hadn't been for Riely charging into the room, a concerned look spreading across her face. Andy smirked, "3PM, I'M ON MY FEET AND STAGGERING." She sang happily as she "staggered" across the room. "RIELY, I THINK BLAKE IS DEAD," Leafy huffed. Blake did in fact look dead, the bags under her eyes and pale face prominent in the dimly lit room. Riely, now more confused as to what was going on than before, asked no one in particular why there was so much noise coming from the room.

"WE ARE MEETING OUR SAVIORS TODAY, OF COURSE WE ARE GONNA BE LOUD" Andy yelled, a huge smile on her face. Blake groaned, pulling her pillow over her head.

"Oh shit. That's today?" Riely said, a smile appearing on their face.

Ollie gently placed the pans down and smiled, "I wonder what tour life is going to be like."

"I don't know but if it is with Jack I don't care!" Andy squealed, her hyperactive energy radiating through the room. Ollie sighed, "Damn. I don't think we can call your crush on Jack a crush anymore..." Andy stopped, her face flushed realizing what Ollie meant. "Wait...." Andy said, her face scrunched up in thought. "SHIT, what if he watched the interview where I said I was a Jack Barakat slut." She said, her speech now fast and high pitched. Ollie let out a little snicker, "I'm sure you're fine Andy, calm down." Andy ran off to the bathroom looking sick. Blake got up out of bed and walked lazily over to make sure Andy was okay. Her steps staggered, she almost looked drunk. Ollie was now concerned and went to go help Andy regain her balance, "You sure you're good?"

"I'm fine, just anxious." Andy said in between breaths. Leafy pulled Andy in for a hug, "My guts are practically rattling inside of me, but hey, this is a big accomplishment for our band.Yes, it is scary as hell, but think about the upsides. We've come so far."

"What if Jack hates me though?" Andy said, her usually pale skin turning even whiter. She looked sick. "Impossible, why would anyone hate you?" Blake said patting Andy on the back. Ollie chimed in, "Yeah, you're an amazing friend! Besides, I think you two will get along fine. You're both so chaotic and loving. Riely nodded in agreement, "I don't think you have to worry about that." Andy gave a small smile, a little bit of color returning to her face. Her stomach was still in knots but it was more bearable knowing her friends would be with her the entire time. Ollie huffed, "I'm going to go straighten my hair now. Maybe cut my own bangs... they are getting pretty long."

"I'm gonna take a shower" Andy said, grabbing a nearby towel. "Then I have to find an outfit that will look semi decent for Jack." She said looking down to hide her blush. Ollie just threw on a flannel over her pierce the veil shirt and pajama pants, "I look presentable." This made Andy laugh, her stomach groaning in protest. Wanting to be passable, Riely put on a 5 Seconds Of Summer t-shirt, and a pair of black ripped jeans. She slipped on her vans, and a nearby baseball hat, and was ready to go.

After her shower Andy dried her hair giving her mohawk a nice fluff. After that she slipped on black, heavily ripped jeans, and a crop top. She slipped into her studded leather jacket and laced up her black high top converse. "Alright, do I look okay?" Ollie looked at Andy, slipping on some sandals over her socks, "Why do you guys have to dress up so nice for meeting up with someone?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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