Personal Imformation that isnt Personal Like at all

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I do not feel comfortable with sharing:
Family problems or events in my personal life
Any mental illnesses/ depressing thoughts
Names of friends/ family
I am a hard democrat but I don't like debating or discussions. Plz don't start debates in comments *insert puppy eyes

Half of those things I don't even share with my closest friends.

Now lets start with actually boring ur bums with my life$

The Basics
I am a person (I hope that you assumed that I was a person and not anything else) who lives in the states. I was born in 2007 at the ripe age of 12. :(. Bday is September 15 so mail me a cake plz. For reference this lil biography was written 5/15/2020.

I grew up with parental supervision and a sister that was always around ten years older than me. Around second grade I got a two week old adopted brother. As of right now he is a few months from being five and he is sitting by me playing roblox on his amazon kindle.

I went to public school making about 1-2 friends in just elementary now I am granted with 4 friends to be exact. (In middle school btw)

Since I want my name to be unknown, people just call me Snape. My World of Warcraft name is Snape, my Minecraft, almost everything so I just go by Snape. I got the online nickname from chatting with fellow gamers on games I play. Everyone would just call me Snape and never asked for a name. I just went with it and now on game servers people call me that and I am used to it. So basically if you wanna address my name in the comments asking a question or whatever, just use Snape as my name.

Social medias aren't my thing so I don't post. No need to share it with the 3 1/2 people reading. Plus I just follow a few commentary YouTubers on Twitter. Nothing special. I promise I'm not hiding anything. I swear to any being you believe in. If you don't believe in any then whatever makes you believe me.

I don't think that there is such thing as Wattpad beef so if there is imma stay out of it.

Comment on the "?" Below to ask any questions. I will answer them one day idk.


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