Fandoms, interests, and shipz (very short)

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Now I am your stereotypical twelve year old and I am creepily fascinated in emo bands. I do not identify as emo but I enjoy the music involving that category and really wish that I can pull of the look.

Emo bands
I have wattpad to possibly write fanfics. I don't know when, but maybe one day. I don't really ship any people in bands except for Frerard (which is the reason why I downloaded.) I will hopefully write at least one. I might write from other ships but I only ship real people if I truly believe that they have been together. I might write some Panic! fics but I don't ship Ryden or Brallon sorry...

My nerdy reputation
Love Harry Potter but don't want to write Harry Potter fics. Just ship Snily and Wolfstar but I feel like those aren't the type of ships you write fanfics for. I could write a Drarry but I just don't feel anything when it comes to Drarry. With Snily and Wolfstar there are reasons to ship it that I guess just make me feel emotional. Wolfstar isn't real but when I read/watch HP I just kinda see love even if it's not there. Don't see it with Drarry or any other non-cannon ships.

Honestly even if Drarry did end up happening I still wouldn't ship it. I'm a Harry x Dobby kinda person ;)

I like LotR but no non cannon ships
Maybe Legolas x Gollum x Gandalf. Yes three way.


Okay done with those. This lil snippet of my life is very short because all of my other things that I find interesting are just lore filled video games and early 1990- early 2000's tv shows that only crazy people would make ships out of.

Again, add question based comments on the "?"


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