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It is heartbreak season
And the clouds are not sure
If they should rain or be removed

The leaves are wondering
If they should dance or die.

My eyes are trapped
Between blinking and crying

And my heart isn't sure
What to do with all the confusion you have left me but at least we are all still trying.

Between Autumn and Winter

Author's Note

This week's dedication goes to MyLifeIsAutomatic because she commented and said she read all my poems and loved them! Thank you so much! I see you in my notifications and it touches my heart! Readers, if you want a dedication next just be sure to vote and comment!

This week's dedication goes to MyLifeIsAutomatic because she commented and said she read all my poems and loved them! Thank you so much! I see you in my notifications and it touches my heart! Readers, if you want a dedication next just be sure to ...

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