Chapter 1: Makayla

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The first chapter may not be as interesting, but could you please keep up? May be you will like the book later, 

Something on your mind? Do not hesitate to reach out to me!

"Excuse me!" I heard someone call behind me, I basically wanted to snap at the person because I was late for class already and I was really rushing, because this time I was sure Makayla would send me out, Makayla was my blood sister who was a professor. I didn't turn and hurried, while I heard hurrying footsteps behind me

The voice called again. "Hey, lady in black!" wow! What a sexy voice. 'Yeah, extremely sexy, worth not hurrying to class' my subconscious snapped at me with sarcasm as I slowly turned to face the voice. Wtf....?

My jaw basically hit the ground when I saw him. Beautiful is one word that would describe him. My eyes were roaming on his plump lips full time. Anyway he was younger than me, I could tell. Gaining my composure I answered "Hi! How may I be of service?" smiling genuinely at him.

"Sorry, uh... I'm new here and I was wondering where my class is." He said running his hand over his hair.

"And what class are you assigned now pretty boy? 'cuz ain't no secret I'm running outta time" I answer glancing at my watch

He handed me his timetable, only to find we were headed for the same class.

"Seems you gon' head with me for your first class, so if you definitely don't mind running to class with me, then come along, otherwise Miss Makayla won't take you in her class." I say gesturing him to come along.

"It's all my pleasure walking to class with a nice piece of ass." He answers smirking at me. Oh! If I wasn't in haste I would blush, but hell no not now.

Makayla didn't snap at me when she saw the boy, whom she welcomed with a great smile that I thought her cheeks would hurt. I scowled at her as she narrowed her eyes at me. Well great, I'll be answering a lot of questions today. And trust me that was how it was.

"Makayla could rip you apart today, thanks to the pretty ass" Rosalie, my friend came next me when the class was over.

"She still is going to, she just started. My throat is effing dry from her freaking questions. Remind me why I'm sisters with the pain in ass Makayla." I say drinking water.

Viviane my other friend came along and we kept talking until that pretty boy came. "Hey..." He said searching for my name and I just stared at him waiting for him to officially ask.

"I'm Dante, and you are?"

"Kyra!" I said looking at his eyes

"Kyra?" his eyes widen. I nod slowly tapping my fingers on my desk.

"Well... it was a pleasure meeting you Kyra. And thanks for the help."

"You're welcome." I say our eyes meeting. After staring into each other for so long, he breaks the silence saying, "Uh... I guess I gotta leave, see ya around." He said adding a wink which in return I roll my eyes and he smiles.

"Yeah, you really need to leave before Makayla returns."

Weeks later I was walking to class as usual and today I was early, I stopped by my locker and headed to the class. Minutes later Dante arrived, and sat next me.

"Morning, Kyra"

"Morning." I replied with a small smile.

"Haven't seen you for days."

"You neither." He seemed to run out of words, nibbling his inner cheek. I like this boy.

"Uh... Kyra? Umm I think we should hang out sometimes- that's if you don't mind though."

Stammering? "Why would I? It's fine with me. What about today after class?"

"Seems good enough." We talked small talk until my besties arrived settling behind us, and our stories were the parties and some gossips which kept Dante between silent and dropping his jaw.

"It'd be prettier if you were my desk mate every day." I said drawing his attention.

"Well, maybe I could be, if you let me."

"Only if your pretty ass could handle my crazy one." I say sending him a one sided smirk – showing off my left dimple. I caught his eyes glow at the action.

"Uh... Let's-"

"Good morning class" he was cut off by Makayla's sickening voice.

"Argh! Here comes the devil..." I say trailing off as I caught her staring at us – him specifically, then her devilish eyes bore holes into mine as I innocently stared back at her mouthing a 'what' at her. And she mouthed back a 'Kiss my ass' which caused me to laugh loudly, causing the class to stare at me, Vivi and Rosalie poking my back asking, "Wtf was that bitch!"

I tried to pull my composure and answered them, "A kiss my ass from Makayla." I said as Dante stared at us confusedly.

"Would you share the fun with us, Miss Samantha?" Makayla said, stressing my name. Well, she knew I hate it.

"No, I'd rather save the fun for later, ma'am." I answer and get a scowl from her.

Well, Dante was lost in between staring between Makayla and I, his face drawing over 4 expressions while the bitches behind me were having fun. The class went on for hours and thank God she didn't ask questions today.

After the class as usual I turned to face Vivi, not before Dante calling me.

"It seems you have bad blood with the prof."

"Trust me, she's my fucking blood."

"The fuck?"

"Yeah, and boy next time sit somewhere else... Makayla has her eyes on you, and no I'm not going to sacrifice my classes for you."

"Why would she do that?"

"You don't wanna hear the story"

"Are you Samantha and not Kyra?" the way he called Samantha was different...lovely.

"I'm both. I prefer Kyra."

"Oh! So see you after classes then"

How was my first chapter?

Thanks for taking your time to read my story; I would very much appreciate your comments too.

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