Chapter 18: I won't fight

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Hello guys,

How many have watched Honey 3: Dare to Dance, I hope you remember the Julliet and Romeo scene, above is the song 'Sad Song'

5:48 am

As expected he wasn't in bed. I pulled my phone; it was time. I smiled to myself. Not that I was happy after all. I pulled the watch I bought him the weekend I visited Rose and Viv, stuffed it in his accessories bag. I didn't want to give him the watch after what I was going to see. If we were going to fight giving a present after a fight would not be in my mind maybe I was going to throw it.

I took out for my hunt, this time not calling him. Slowly I visited each room and listened at the door before I checked in. Finally in the dining. Again? Was he such stupid to think I never got a hint what he was doing? Who the hell does that? I slowly descended the steps. I could hear his voice. I tiptoed and took a peek to see where he was at, he wasn't in there. I walked inside the dining room and towards the sitting room.

 The Sony TV was playing What Men Want, I smiled as Taraji hurried in the office with messed hair and a condom plastered on  her jacket. It took all I had not to giggle at the scene. So now he was in front of me, speaking all lovey dovey words. Really? He could wait when he had arrived in the Philippines then called her. This is all BS! 

I silently leaned behind him after I had heard their stupid conversation. I showed my face to the snitch bitch, she was awestruck, mouth remained hanging. Dante seemed oblivious and said, "honey just  get it waxed for me ok? You'll be my first meal in the Philippines" Oh really?

He hastily turned as if I had said it out loud. He was shaking. I felt like an X-Men star saving some ass in the space. I? Samantha James could make Dante shake?


"Hmm?" I said taking his phone from his hand 

"How're you dear best friend?" I said to her smiling


"Don't call me that! You don't deserve it!" I said walking away climbing the stairs.

"I'm not regretting it, and I'm not apologizing either" She said, more like seething.

"I didn't ask you to. I'm fine, really. So remember to wax that pussy for him. He truly likes it that way. Grow your hair to half back length, don't over expose your skin. He hates nude. Don't-"

"You ain't teaching me how to handle my man. I know what he wants"

"You know what he lusts, not what he loves."

"You won't take him away from me."

"Oh, really? He's all wrapped up on this" I said spinning my index finger.

"You won't win over me"

"I'm not fighting, He'll always love me, you see, why would I fight?"

"He's mine"

"Whatever, I-" 

"Babe please don't. Let's talk about this" Dante said.

"Of course, you guys need to talk." I say handling him the phone

"Please, don't do this Samantha, you know you're the one I love." We were now standing at his room's door. I opened the door. I took off his t shirt. Pulled my undergarments on. I couldn't find my bra, it had to be somewhere in here. I began looking for it silently.

"Are you looking for this?" He offered holding my bra. I snatched it slowly looking at his hazel eyes, "Thanks" I said putting it on.

"Sam, it's not what you think, she's just a distraction I can't let you go that easily, you know. I can explain it. She's-"

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