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I am that particular personality of the society who was raised well by his parents, I am a well mannered guy, well at least in front of the people when I am socializing. But my mind is sick and is composed of unstable & unnatural thoughts. ⁣⁣⁣
Beware of me, I am of a very dualistic nature. I am a gentleman only when I have to make good first impressions. But my true intentions are always to see you naked, first In my mobile screen, later on in private. My tongue and my language may appear to be very gentle, sweet, charming and attractive at times. But that is only so that I can lure in my cave, nothing else. I am only concerned with, somehow, filling in your vagina hole with my penis. That's all. ⁣⁣⁣
Beware of me, once I get my hands on your nudes, I like to indulge in private conversations with like minded, ill natured guys like me. I discuss with them the various individual parts of your body & how desperately I want to have intercourse with you. Sometimes I go on to the extent of exposing my wild desire to rape you. My wish to hear you, not moan, but scream & cry in pain because that is what will, perhaps, quench my thirst after all. How badly I wish I could do that to you. ⁣⁣⁣
Beware of me, I wear many layers of masks and I know very well how to hide my personality.

Beware of me, because once I get my hands on you, I'll go to the extremes to make sure I am successful in my attempts to fulfill my desires.

Beware of me, because if you retaliate in any way, I'll go on to the extent of even threatening to kill you. ⁣⁣⁣
Beware of me, because I am one those guys you hang out with. From one of your inner circle.⁣⁣⁣
Beware of me, I am a member of, one of many, the secret "boys locker room"⁣⁣⁣
Beware Of Me. ⁣I am hungry for you.

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