Prom's a pest

18 1 0

Prom was tomorrow, I wanted to ask Jaylen.

I was about to ask him when I hear, "Jaylen wanna go to prom with me?" Coming from the bigger slut.


I hope Jaylen would say no.

"Uh, I mean I was hoping some-"

"Please! Your so cute and I've never had anyone go to prom with me" she said with puppy dog eyes.

"Um, I mean sure but-"

"Thank you! I love you!" She says while wrapping her arms around him.

Jaylen, why?

Fucking why?!

I start to stomp away, and see Jaylen running towards me.

I start to run, as quick as I could.

But, of course, he beat me, grabbed me, and pulled me outside.

"Bella, did you see that?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

I turn my head, and feel burning tears run down my face.

"Bella, come on, I didn't, you know-" but I cut him off.

"She is fucking a bigger slut than me!" I yell at his face, and he steps back.

"But, no you had to be an asshole and say yes! Right now Jaylen I fucking hate your damn guts!" I yell and start balling.

He wraps his muscular arms around me.

I try to escape but, I fail.

"Bella, you were the girl I was hoping would ask me but, since prom is tomorrow I guessed you wouldn't" he said while resting his chin on my head.

"Mother fucker you couldn't wait a damn day because your asshole self-" but he cuts me off.

"Ok, lay it down with the damn cuss words, ok? Good, now boys aren't smart when it comes to what girls are gonna do and when, ok? So excuse fucking me" he says turning away.

I start to feel like an asshole.

"Jaylen I'm sorry, I didn't mean to I I I flipped" I say hugging his back.

"Huh, I'm sorry to" he says and hugs me back.

That's the nice part of Jaylen


Prom is today.

I have no one to go with so I decide to stay home.

I'm just going to mope and eat ice cream.

I was just about to sit down when I heard a knock on my door.

"Uhhh, to far!" I say but still get the door.

I open it to a fancy dressed Jaylen.

"What the hell is this?" I say looking bored.

"I uh, want you to come to, uh prom with me" he says, smiling.


I get to her house and hop out of my car,i hope this makes her happy.

I knock on her door, wanting only her to be home.

I hear the door unlock and quickly straighten up.

Out steps a very sad and mopey looking Bella.

"What the hell is this?" She says looking bored as ever.

"I, uh want you to come to, uh prom with me" I stutter.

She looks at me like I pissed my pants.

"What?" She says, confused.

"Come to prom with me please" I say loosening up.

"Aren't you going with..." I cut her off before she can say anything else.

"No, I ditched her, I only want you" I say putting the flowers down and hugging her.

She looks at me with a surprised face, "really?".

"Really and truly" I say.

"Ok, give me 15 minutes" she says dashing upstairs.

I walk in, shut her door, and sit on her couch.

She comes downstairs, looking very gorgeous.

"Wow Bella you look" I say out of words.

"Breathe taking, I know" she says twirling.

I laugh.

"Lets go gorgeous" I say, holding out my hand.

"Ok" she says, and skips the whole way to the car.


When we get to prom me and Bella's eyes widen.

"Wow, prom has never looked this pretty" she says.

"Yep, well come on" I say dragging her up to the ticket booth.

"2 tickets please" I say, handing him a twenty.

"Here you go, have a good time" he said with a smile.

"Thanks" Bella said, smiling to.

We walk in and some people's eyes start to float to land on us.

Lani runs up to us, Jake in her hand.

"Hey Bell! I thought you weren't coming?" she says, confused.

"Well, change of plans" she says, smiling.

"Yay! you two are so cute together! Go get your pictures! Me and Jake already did" she says, pointing over to where it is.

"Ok" I say, while we head over there.

"Next" the picture person said, sounding bored as ever.

"That's us" I say.

I sit down on the stair thing and Bella sits on my lap.

We smile and the picture person takes our picture.

He hands it to us and we look at it.

"Perfect" we say at the same time.

We stare straight at each other, ready to kiss.

I lean in, and I'm about to kiss her when,

We all here a loud "Hospital!" coming from the bathrooms.


Sorry about the cliffhanger!

I got kinda bored with it and I wanted to end it earlier but i kept going for you guys!

Sorry that the update was WAY out of date,

like I said, I just got really bored.

hopefully I actually get this update right!

{update: in 2-4 weeks}

sorry I won't update till that long it's just







and did I mention school?


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