Party at the hospital

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"Hospital?!" I panic quickly running back towards the bathroom, Jaylen following.

We walk into the girls bathroom and see Lani on the floor, leg bleeding.

"LANI WHAT THE FUCK" I yell freaking out.

"I-I was using the- the bathroom and then I washed my face and next thing you know, I felt something like a-a-a-a knife" she said, crying her eyes out.

Jaylen's eyes widen with fear.

"Lani, it's ok we'll get you to the hospital" I say, trying to pick her up.

Jaylen helps me, him just carrying her.

"Coach! Can we take this party to the hospital?" I yell across the gym.

"Go on, ill contact her mom" she said running into her office.

I nod my head and race out to Jaylen's car, where he was putting Lani in.

"Lani, it's ok you will be fine" he says, trying to calm her.

"Jaylen, I'm gonna die!" she says hugging him.

"Lani, I won't let that happen I promise" he says, kissing her cheek.

How cute, now get in the car Bella!

I hop into the car and buckle myself while Jaylen buckles Lani.

"Bella! I'm scared help me!" she says, crying.

"Lani, its ok your my best friend, whoever did this to you I will kill" I said.

"Worry about killing people later" Jaylen says while driving out of the school.

I hear a cell phone ring.

"Hello?" is what Lani says, crying of course.

"No I'm fine I just got STABBED!" Lani yells.

"Jaylen and Bella are taking me to one thanks though babe, bye" she says, wiping off tears.

I start to lose my sight and feel my stomach rumble.

I feel it start to rise up and I just let it out,

on Jaylen.

"Oh my fucking God!" Jaylen screams.

"Jaylen i am so sorry" I say trying to find a towel or something.

He sighs, "it's ok" he says through gritted teeth.

I hear a little laugh escape Lani's mouth.

At least she can still laugh and breathe.

"Ew, it smells" Lani says, plugging up her nose.

"Yeah, thanks to my prom date" Jaylen says rolling his eyes.

I laugh and kiss him on the cheek, even though I tasted throw up in the process.

"Oh, so you two are something" Lani says wiggling her eyebrows.

We both stay silent.

Do we have something, Jaylen?

Please say yes.

"Hospital is near" Jaylen says changing the topic.

I give a little sad face.

"What's wrong?" Jaylen says.

I quickly look up and smile, "nothing".

He smiles back at me, "ok, whatever you say hun".

"WE'RE HERE!!!" Lani yells.

"Let's go!" I say opening the door and hoping out before he is done driving.

A car starts coming by so I jump back quickly.

"Idiot! Wait till I park!" Jaylen says.

"Sorry!" I say.

When he parks I quickly open the car door and help her out.

"I'll get a nurse!" Jaylen says while running into the hospital.

"Bella, I'm scared" Lani whispers.

I start to feel pain for her, "Lani, you'll be ok".

She try's to suppress a smile, and a couple of nurses come out.

They brought a stretcher and they helped her on it.

Suddenly I feel like someone punched my chest and I can't breathe right.

"Hey" Jaylen says coming over to me, "you ok?".

"I...uh, hold my hand" I say grabbing his hand.

"Oh, ok" he says.

"Ok sweetie you'll be fine" the nurse said.

"Ok" Lani says.

"Let's go" Jaylen says dragging me inside.

"Jaylen. no. out. here." I say.

"Ok, what's wrong Bella?" He says.

"I-I-I can't go i-in there" I say.


I ask Bella to come inside and she just starts to freak out.

"Bella, what's the matter?" I ask.

She starts balling and my heart starts to feel pain for her.

"Every time I come here, they always die! Always!"

"Bella, no one is going to die I promise" I say wrapping my arms around her.

"Ok" she says wiping tears.

"Now let's go" I say leading her inside.


For what felt like forever a doctor finally came out.

"Bella and Jaylen" he said.

Bella instantly hopped up and ran there.

I got up and stood next to Bella.

"Any news?!" She asks clearly not having any patients.

"Yes, and I'm sorry to say but we have lost miss Greene"





Anyways, how did you like it?
I have to say I'm gonna miss Lani :(

But, life must go on!

Read the next chapter to see how they react and junk!


(Ps. Lani is the girl in the banner up dere^^)

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