The Kidnapping

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Alright. So most of you have read this story (If you haven't, go read it, it's my only finished story-). This one is a quick read, with only 11 chapters. But it was supposed to be a LOT longer than 11 chapters. I want to show you some of the ideas I had for this book. And they are bad.

Trigger warning *Kinda*

1) I was going to have Kenma kill his father.

This one I had for a while, but I never had the chance to add it to the story, also it seems like Kuroo and Yaku to beat Kiyota (Kenma's dad) to a pulp, and then it was fun to write the prisoners killing Kiyota.

2) Kenma was originally going to be trans

Now, from my book I Don't Want to be a Girl Anymore, you probably know I'm OBSESSED with the idea of Trans Kenma, but it didn't work with the other parts of the book, so I scratched that idea.

3) Yaku was going to die.

Funny story, I convinced everyone on a discord server that I'm in -I love you guys- that Yaku was going to die, and they were going  i n s a n e. Apollo (uWuYeEtuWu) was really scared because Yaku is his favorite character.

Now how Yaku was going to die could have gone two ways. He could have died while Kiyota was cutting into his stomach, or he could have died from the stab wound he got while saving Shibayama. But I wouldn't do that to you guys.

I mean if you want me to post the draft I can-

4) Kenma was supposed to identify his dead mother and sister that were found in a secret room the officers investigated.

In the story, Kenma said to the officer that was questioning him, "The men, at the house. My father sold her and my mother to them. I don't know what happened to them after that." That was supposed a cover-up his father told him so he didn't question anything. But I thought that would be a little...too dark.

But I could always post the draft of that chapter if you'd like.

So that's all of the unused ideas I had for that story, I hope you enjoyed!

Thanks for reading!


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