Kidnapping Draft

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"The men, at the house. My father sold her and my mother to them. I don't know what happened to them after that." Kenma answered, wiping a few tears from his cheeks. The officers had a confused look on his face before quickly returning to a neutral expression.

"I'm so sorry to hear that sir, but we investigated the house and found some...interesting things." The officer stated and stood up. "We would like to take you to identify some bodies we found in a hidden room of the house." Kenma was confused, a hidden room? He nodded anyway and followed the officer to where two bodies were laying on a table.

Kenma recognized them immediately. " god." He whispered and walked to the two ladies slowly, not believing his eyes.

His mother and sister had multiple bruise marks on their body and several burns. Kanna's eyes, once full of life and love, were now dull and staring at the ceiling. His mother, Megami's eyes were...gone, however.

Megami's eyes had always been beautiful, they were an ice blue and glowed in the sunlight. Kenma was furious. Why does his father think he has the right to take away his mother's eyes, and both of their lives?!

That's when Kenma broke down. "I'm so sorry...I wasn't there! I wasn't there to protect you two...I said I would protect you!" Tears started streaming down his face and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. Kenma crumbled to the floor next to the beds his mother and sister were laying on. "Can you recognize them, sir?" The officer asked as he placed a hand on Kenma's shoulder.

"It's my mom and my sister, they...were the only people I had." Kenma's breathing started to quicken, and the officer quickly brought him out of the room and sat him down on the floor outside. "I'm going to kill him. I have to kill him." Kenma gripped the side of his head as he kept repeating those sentences. "Sir, calm down." The officer tried to comfort Kenma, but it wasn't working.

The officer pulled out his phone and proceeded to call someone. "Yes, that will be great, thank you." Soon someone came and managed to soothe Kenma, who pulled his hands out of his hair and stopped repeating his words.

The two brought Kenma back to the hospital, where the others were waiting. "Kenma? Are you alright?" Kuroo asked, and Kenma shook his head before falling into Kuroo's arms. "He...He killed them Kuroo. He killed Megami and Kanna." Kuroo flinched at Kenma's words, he knew the Kozume family very well. Kanna and Megami were some of the nicest people Kuroo has met. They were both beautiful, they loved nature, and they were always very kind to Kuroo.

Hearing Kenma say that Kiyota killed them brought Kuroo to blink tears out of his eyes. He knew how much those two meant to Kenma, and he had to see the two dead. Kuroo couldn't imagine the pain Kenma was feeling right now. So he tried his best to take his mind off of things, and Kuroo only knew one way to do that. 

As much as Kenma denied it, he loved hugs. He loved the warm feeling of someone wrapping their arms around you in nothing but love. His mother gave the best hugs, and Kuroo was trying to recreate the amount of love that Megami had in each hug she gave to both Kuroo and Kenma.

So he hugged Kenma, as hard and with as much love as he could manage. Kenma hugged back with as much intensity, and soon the whole team joined in. 

Kenma could practically hear one clear message from the warmth of the team.

We are your family.


How do you like that? I really love it, but it was a bit dark for the story..

Anyhoe (Hi Apollo)

Thanks for reading!


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