Oh Worm?

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Timothy Stoker was sitting silently at his desk, staring at the red worm on a string that sat before him. His hands were clasped together, his chin on his hands. His eyebrows furrowed as he gazed at the red shape. He jumped when he heard the door to his office open, and his hands immediately covered the worm on a string. He turned his head to look at who had entered "Jesus, Sasha! You could've knocked."
Sasha chuckled a bit "Sorry, Tim." She said, though obviously, she wasn't sorry at all. "I just wanted to see if you found anything for case 0140912." she gazed down at where his hands were, raising an eyebrow.
Tim ignored her gaze at his hands and just played it off, sliding his hands backwards so the worm fell into his lap, then moving one of his hands to rest his head on, looking as completely casual as he can. "Not quite. I've been trying to get one of the officers to give me the case report. Turns out, there's a lot less gay men than I anticipated. Most of the women seem to know better." He shook his head.
Sasha turned her gaze to meet Tim's eyes "Right..." She said slowly. She shook her head "Alright Tim, I'll leave you to get back to it. Might as well give Martin a chance, see if he found anything." She moved over to the door "And stop trying to seduce the cops. I'll get the report myself." She told him, leaving the room.
Tim let out a long breath, picking up the worm and setting it on his desk again. He had a plan. It may get him fired, but the archives could use a bit of fun. Tim smirked as he looked at the worm "You aren't going to be the only one." He said.

Tim turned up to work the next day much earlier than he typically does. He entered his office, setting the box he held on his desk. Grinning, he opened the box and stared at the many worms on a string that were there. He took out a few, leaving them on and in his desk, just for the effect, then went off into the rest of the archives, box in hand.

Tim returned to his desk after having disposed of the box, sitting down and waiting for someone to notice. He knew it wouldn't take long. And of course, he was right. He smirked to himself when he heard a voice he assumed to be from his boss shout "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?"
Tim put his hand over his mouth, muffling his laughter. He heard Sasha's voice call back "I think they're called worms on a string."
Tim stood up, leaving his office and heading to Jon's office. He opened the door, poking his head inside "Something the matter, boss?" He asked, though he knew exactly what the problem was.
Jon turned his gaze to Tim "Yes, obviously." He hissed. "Someone put these colorful 'worms' all over my desk. After case 0140912, worms are the last things I wish to see."
Tim looked at the worms that covered Jon's desk "Have you asked everyone about them?" He asked, returning his gaze to his boss.
"Not yet, but I'll start with you. Did you put these on my desk?" Jon asked, lowering his eyebrows.
"I'll be honest with you, I don't know what those are. They're on my desk, too." Tim lied to Jon, just shrugging and crossing his arms. "Have you asked Sasha? She seems to know what they are."
"I'm about to." Jon said, getting up and moving past Tim, out of his office. Tim snickered to himself, leaving Jon's office and going to Martin's. He knocked on the door, then opened it and stepped inside "Good morning, Martin." He greeted him.
"Oh, good morning, Tim." Martin responded, looking up from his desk to look at Tim. "These worms seem to be everywhere. You don't know who did it, do you?" He asked.
Tim of course shook his head "I've got no idea. Jon obviously didn't, considering how mad he is, you wouldn't pull something like this, and I doubt Sasha would put her job at risk." He said smoothly, watching Martin nod, believing him.
"Right... Maybe it's a different employee just playing a prank on the archives?" Martin suggested, shrugging.
"Perhaps." Tim answered. Leaning against the door frame and crossing his arms. "Or maybe it is one of us." He smirked at Martin, who tilted his head.
"TIMOTHY STOKER!" Tim heard the shout come from his boss. He and Martin both jumped. Tim stood straight and moved out of Martin's office, closing the door. He turned to face his aggravated, short boss "What is it now?" He asked.
"Sasha is telling me that you must be the one doing it. If you don't fess up, I swear to God I'll-." Jon was cut short by Tim finishing his sentence "You'll fire me."
"I-. No. No I won't. I just want you to admit that you put these 'worms on a string' on all of our desks." Jon said, standing straighter to seem taller. It didn't intimidate Tim.
Tim grinned "Ok. I did. But they aren't just on the desks." He said, pleased to see Jon's face shift from annoyance, to anger.
"You hid them around the entirety of the archives..?" Jon asked slowly, obviously quite mad with Tim now.
"Yep. I did. Have fun finding them." Tim smiled at Jon, just to tease him. Jon stared at Tim, his eyebrow twitching "Fine. Fine. I'll find them today. All of them." He said, turning and walking away from Tim, tensed from his anger.
"Have fun!" Tim called after Jon, just feeling the anger radiate from his boss. He chucked and returned to his office, pleased with how Jon took his little prank.

Days passed, and as Tim was anticipating, there was a knock on his door and it opened, and there stood his boss, holding a worm on a string. "Oh, you're still finding them. You told me days ago that you'd find all of them." Tim commented, leaning back in his chair and smirking.
Jon obviously wasn't at all pleased "Tim. Is this new?" Jon asked, staring Tim dead in the eyes.
"Of course not." Tim laughed softly. "I'd never get up that early again just to put worms around the archives. I need my sleep, boss." He said.
Jon threw the worm at Tim, who caught it "Tell me where the rest are." He said.
"To be honest, I've forgotten." Tim shrugged, putting the worm on his shoulder. "There were a lot." he mentioned.
Jon looked like he wanted to strangle Tim, but he restrained himself. "Alright. But there better not be any more." He said, then left Tim's office, shutting the door with a slam behind him.
Tim chuckled to himself, shaking his head "There are much more..." He mumbled to no one, grinning "Much, much more."

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