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We all turn our attention to Taehyung's sudden outburst. He seems shocked by his own voice.

"I mean, not tomorrow. We have fun activities planned." Taehyung smiled sheepishly. Jimin nods in agreement.

What? How come I wasn't told of these plans?

"I guess we do haha.. uhm how about the day after, Jungkook?" I blush as I look up to Jungkook. He smiles and my heart flutters.

"Yes! Of course. Whatever fits your schedule." He beams happily. "Out of curiosity, what are your 'fun activities' you have planned?" Jungkook asks Taehyung. Tae freezes. His mouth gapes open.

"We were planning to go on our monthly boat trip." Jimin adds in casually. I pout my lips and I think.

It is around that time..

"Oh? That does sound fun. Ya know, I've never been on a boat trip or really anywhere near the ocean, until now, before. I've always been busy." Jungkook smiles innocently. An idea pops into my head.

"Would you like to join us?" I ask a little too eagerly. Tae makes a grumbling sound but I just assume it's from his stomach, seeing as he hasn't eaten for the past few hours.

Jungkook's eyes light up. "Really? I can?"

Gosh, my heart.

"Of course!" I sit up excitedly. I see movement from Taehyung out of the corner of my eye but I ignore it. "You can meet us right here tomorrow at say.." I turn to look back at my two friends both of them shrug. "6pm? We usually go out later and stay to see the sunset and watch the stars. It's really cool."

Jungkook nods while listening to me and gives me a thumbs up. "6pm it is then. I'll see you tomorrow JiHae."

I flop backwards onto my bed and sigh contently.

Every time I close my eyes, I see him.

Every time I close my eyes, I see him

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"Ah.. how does he have such an adorable smile and then be so handsome.." I cover my face in embarrassment as I remember how he said my name.

"Gosh get it together JiHae. You're 20.. not some teenage school girl." I scold myself but immediately melt when another thought comes to mind.

"Queen JiHae.. and King.. Jungkook.. argh.." I roll around on my bed as I realize what I'm thinking. I'm getting my hopes up. Just have to calm down.. but..

What if.. he's the one?

I haven't been able to focus on anything this whole day. All I've been looking forward to is the boat trip. Gosh, I almost tripped over my sister while going down the stairs. Well.. maybe that's just because I'm clumsy.

I squeal when I feel something jab me in the ribs.

"Finally! Are you awake now?" I hear Jimin's aggravated voice.

I whine and rub my side. "Yah.. when will you stop doing that.. it hurts. I'm going to have a bruise." Jimin rolls his eyes.

"It's the only way to get you out of your little day dream sessions. And so what, it's not like anyone will see your bare waist so no one will see the bruise." Jimin irritatedly sighs as he plays with his rings.

"Well, I just squish her face when she gets out of it. Works every time." Taehyung smiles cheekily.

"That doesn't work when you have a hand size like Jimin's." I snort. Taehyung also laughs loudly as Jimin glares at me. He sighs and closes his eyes before reaching out to me.

I don't notice due to my laughter until I feel my body get pushed over into the sea opening in the floor. When I come back up to the surface, my ears fill with more laughter.

I cough out water and wipe my face with the back of my hand before glaring at Jimin. I float on my back and kick at the water, causing a mini tsunami to overtake Jimin. Satisfied when I see Jimin drenched, I easily climb out of the opening onto the cold hard floor.

"Ah you little brat." Jimin huffs. I stick my tongue out at him as I ring out my white blouse. Jimin easily just takes off his shirt, leaving him in damp jeans. I glare at him for being able to undress so casually.

"God, where is that royal pain anyways?" Jimin sighs exaggeratedly as he throws his shirt aside.

"Royal pain? I'm sure that's a nickname that will wear off with time." We all turn to see Jungkook strutting towards us with an eye smile. "Oh? Why are you guys drenched?" He stops close by and stares us up and down with an confused expression.

"Someone needed a lesson is all." Jimin smirked and stood up, standing behind me as I blinked innocently. Jungkook nods at Jimin and then looks at me. His face suddenly goes red as he looks away.

Jimin also looks down at me and chuckles.

"Princess, your attire is quite inappropriate at the moment." Jimin teases and steps back. Confused, I glance down at myself.


My bra is visible through my shirt because my shirt is 1. Drenched and 2. White. I blush and cross my arms over my chest.

How embarrassing..

Jungkook shuffles over to me, still not looking.

"Don't feel uncomfortable, I won't look and I'm sure your friends won't either. How about we stand outside and let your shirt air dry?" He offers his hand for me to take, strictly keeping his eyes in contact with mine. My heart races.

And he's a gentleman too.. just how perfect can this man get?

I nod shyly and take his hand. My heart beats loudly as I hold his hand.

"Well now that everyone is here, we can head off. I'll meet you guys there." Taehyung states and disappears under the water.

Jimin glances at Jungkook and I before walking ahead of us.

Why do they both have the same expression of.. disinterest?

I furrow my eyebrows as I try to think what could've upset them.

Jungkook turns to me and smiles before guiding me beside him to the front entrance.

And just like that my worries are gone and replaced with the thought of how out of control my heart is.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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