The sleepover part 2

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It's 4pm on Friday. You, Keira and Rosa are all at your house getting ready to go to the beach house.

Rosa: Keira! Are you done in the bathrooms yet? The boys are waiting for us to pick them up!
Keira: have you heard of a thing called patience, Rosa? I'm nearly ready
You: you two need to drop that attitude and get your shoes on! We need to pick up the guys in ten minutes!
Keira finally comes out of the bathroom with bottles and flasks hanging out
Rosa: do you even have any clothes in there?
Keira: how are we meant to have fun without a bit of fun juice? There's tequila, run, vodka.... my parents won't even miss it!
Rosa: ugh whatever let's go get our stuff in my car

We pack our stuff to pick up the boys

Ale: what took you guys so long? All you had to do was pack a bag and get dressed haha
Rosa: we would've been on time if Keira didn't INSIST we stop for more food for the house
Keira: that's because whenever we're together you always complain that I have nothing to eat so I wanted to be saved from your whining

I rolled my eyes as they continued bickering and the guys loaded their stuff into rosa's Range Rover. They all climbed in and mattia squeezed in next to me.
As we began driving, you and others became overfilled with the excitement of the weekend ahead. As you go silent mattia whispers in your ear

Mattia: you look really cute today
You were wearing short shorts and a tube top. You look down then at him and blush as he's smiling at you
You: thanks; you do too
That's all he says to you the rest of the journey, but you both exchange quick glances at eachother when the other isn't paying attention

You all finally arrive at the beach house. As you all enter you realise just how big it is. Massive kitchen, beautiful living room and a spiral staircase in the centre of the house. Everyone goes to explore the house while you take the food into the kitchen. As you go to put the stuff if the cabinet, mattia runs upto you from behind and gives you a tight, yet loving hug resting his head on your shoulder and rocking you side to side without letting his hands unwrap from your waist

You: woah you scared me!
Mattia: sorry! I'm just kinda excited for this weekend I guess
He turns you around to face him so you're in a kind of slow-dancing position
You: same here! I was kind of scared to go at first since I'm kinda awkward, but I'll try to loosen up a bit
Mattia responded with a wide smile as he pulled you closer and gave you a tight, yet safe feeling hug.

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