It was that day when high school began on a normal schedule after winter break. And it was that day Marilyn Cox laid eyes on the love of her life, Atticus Lynwood. The boy had just moved there in that small town of Carraville, California and the entire school was buzzing about him. It was in the middle of the busy hallway during the passing period and she just slammed her locker door closed when she saw him next to her, trying to open his own.

She suddenly felt her face flush and she tried to hide herself by opening her locker again. She only got a slight glance but she could analyze his handsome complexion in that split second. He had flawless and smooth colored skin that glimmered in the lights. The most beautiful puppy-dog-like brown eyes and raven-haired curls atop his head. Marilyn licked her lips out of nervousness and closed her locker door quietly and got ready to leave when the boy stopped her.

"I don't mean to be a pain," he started. "But I need help finding room one-sixteen." Marilyn stopped where she was and slowly turned around. She felt the redness spread to her neck as well and felt more embarrassed than ever. She stuttered a little before saying what she wanted to say.

"I-I have a class with Mr Yadav next. You can come with me if-if you like."

"All right."

And that simple and slightly nerve-racking conversation set the two lovebirds on a path that led them to heartbreak. Marilyn and Atticus became very good friends over their senior year of high school. They went on to graduate and went to the same community college for two years. Marilyn finished up all of her important classes and left California to an out-of-state university in Pennsylvania, promising Atticus she would soon return. Marilyn called him daily and they chatted for hours about their separate lives. And one day, Atticus didn't return her call.

She waited several weeks for him to answer back. She sent text messages, emails, phone messages, letters, but no reply. Marilyn started to think Atticus gave up on her as a friend. But the love for him never lessened in her heart. And after many tries of contact, he finally gave her a call.

"Atticus?" She called through the phone with a surprised and excited tone. He didn't talk to her for two months and it practically killed her. It was like constantly jabbing her soul in the weak places repeatedly for every day he never called.

"Yes? Is that you, Mari?" He said through the other end. Wind was whistling in the background and he raised his voice a little.

"Oh, yes, it's me!" She cried, clasping her phone tightly in her shaky hands. "You haven't called in forever, what was the holdup?" Marilyn was in her university dorm on her bed, kicking her feet up. Her roommate was gone for the day on holiday and she was alone to talk with him in private.

"I've been really busy with my new girlfriend, Krisha. I'm so sorry I haven't been able to call. It's just that . . . ," the rest of his words went through one of Marilyn's ears and out the other. Those simple yet piercing words, my new girlfriend, hurt so much. Because the sad truth was, Marilyn had never told Atticus how she felt for him.

As Atticus continued to go on, Marilyn enveloped herself inside a shell of regret. Why did she even bother? The only reason she got close to him was so she could tell him how she felt. And even then when they were close friends, she still didn't have the courage to break the news to him. What in the world had she done?

"Anyway, what about you, Mari?" He asked, ending his long monologue about something Marilyn didn't pay attention to.

She shook her thoughts and most of her emotions away but the guilt and regret still hung deeply over her like a giant blanket. "I'm so sorry, Atty. I was distracted. What was the question?"

"Have you met that someone yet?"

"What do you mean?" Marilyn said in a nervous tone. She knew exactly what he meant but she asked anyway. She wanted to make sure he wasn't asking if she had found a soulmate.

"I mean have you met the one yet? I met Krisha at the beach and we started talking and it kind of just happened. So I'm asking if you've met someone you like yet." Marilyn had an answer to that question. One was the truth. The other was a lie.

"No. I still haven't met the one. But I'm still dreaming about it." She chose the lie.

"Sorry to hear that. Listen, I gotta go. Krisha and I are having our fourth date soon and I need to get ready. You don't mind if I hang up, do you?"

"Not at all." She answered with a weak and very fake smile.

"Awesome. Thanks so much for understanding, Mari."

"Best of luck." She said before he hung up.

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