She arrived at the church in her dad's car, wearing a moderately fancy dress and about twenty minutes early. A couple people were already there, mingling outside and indoors. Here it goes. She parked the car, stepping out with her small purse around her shoulder. Marilyn invisibly snuck past everyone outside and went inside the church, taking a quick seat. She didn't look at anyone or anything, only stared at the floor.

She got a tap on the shoulder and she suddenly looked up, not believing what she saw. It was Atticus, out early. He was still as handsome as he was when she left. How she missed his sweet face.

"Hey, Mari," he said with a sugary grin. "How're you doing?"

She barely spoke out of surprise. "I-I'm doing fine. Hi."

He giggled. "I'm so glad you came. We haven't talked in forever. Why haven't you been calling me? Just because I'm busy with my fiance doesn't mean you can't call me."

She bit her bottom lip, still not saying anything. Her throat went dry. She never prepared for him talking to her before the wedding started. What should she say? "Y-Yeah, I just didn't want to bother you with my stupid calls," she looked down at the floor.

"What do you mean? I love calling you. It's something I look forward to. Besides, I tried calling you several times over the last couple weeks to let you know I was engaged. Why didn't you call me back?" His face was genuinely worried. Of course he was. She hadn't made contact with him for years.

"I'm a New York Times bestseller novelist, Atty. I've been a little busy." She replied meekly. "Plus, I keep forgetting." Now that last bit was a lie. Atticus was always on her mind. She constantly thought about calling him, spilling the tea about her feelings for him. Perhaps it was the time now. Should she tell him?

"Well, okay. I've gotta go. The wedding is about to start," he grinned again. He always looked in a joyful mood. How could he possibly do that all the time?

"Best of luck," Marilyn replied as he trotted off.

The wedding went by in a blur to Marilyn. The vows, kissing, everything. What she specifically focused on was Krisha. She looked more beautiful in person, which only made her jealousy come to a rolling boil. What did Atticus see in that woman that she didn't have? Out of feeling too sorry for herself, she left early after the two were announced officially husband and wife. This was too painful to watch.

Two days passed before Marilyn saw Atticus again. She never explained why she left early, she never explained why she was so rude towards Krisha, she never explained how she felt. And the more she waited, the more that giant snowball of nerves and jealousy and guilt and regret built.

When everyone went to bed that Thursday night, including both of her parents. She sat in the living room with her headphones in and listening to depressing music on tape. She was going to leave early the next morning. Being in her hometown was too painful, especially with Atticus and Krisha around. Marilyn was about to get up and go to bed when she heard a knock on the door. Who could it be at this hour?

Opening the door, tears dammed up in her eyes. It was Atticus there in the doorway in shorts and a T-shirt, holding a bouquet of flowers in his hands. "Hey, Marilyn." He smiled weakly.

"Atticus, what're you doing here? It's ten at night." Her shaky hand gripped the doorknob.

"I know you like me," he said quietly. Redness overcame her face and she was about to deny it before Atticus stopped her. "Don't deny and lie to yourself, Mari. I know you've liked me since that first day I came to Carraville High. I could tell by that look in your face."

Marilyn finally let the tears go and she covered her face with her hands. She let all of that guilt and regret and jealousy and depression into every single tear. "I'm so sorry!" She cried.

Atticus stared at her alarmingly. "Whatever for?"

"For liking you!" She sobbed, wiping her tears away despite them still flowing from her eyes. "Even though you had a girlfriend and she became your fiance and then your wife and I still love you, Atticus. I don't understand why, I just do. And it's all my fault I feel this way because I never told you how I really felt. I know you're with Krisha and you're happy together, I still want to be with you." She let all of the jumble of words string out of her mouth. All of those things she wanted to say to him came out of her at that moment. And with every lie she broke and every truth she revealed, her heart felt a little bit lighter. After she laid all of her feelings on the table, Atticus spoke.

"Listen and know I'm telling the truth to you, Marilyn, when I tell you I'd really like to help you. But my hands are tied here. I can't do anything to help you, even though I really want to. You're my best friend, Mari. Don't forget that. But Krisha is my wife. I wouldn't abandon her for you." He held out the bouquet of flowers. "This is a peace offering and a reminder. I care about you, Marilyn, but I don't love you the same way you do for me. I'm sorry."

And with those bittersweet words, Atticus nodded and started on his way to leave. Staring at the pink roses in her hands, she grinned through her tears. Getting in his car, he started the engine.

"Atty, wait!" She called over the loud automobile noises. He rolled down his window and gave her a sympathetic eye.

"What is it?" He asked. Marilyn took one last look at his beautiful puppy-dog-like eyes that she loved from the beginning.

"I wish you the best of luck."


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