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This is an author's journal, just in case you didn't read the title when it clearly says in all caps: "AUTHOR'S JOURNAL."

Anyhoo, I hope you enjoyed the story! I'm not a huge fan of romances, but I had to write this one because I love the song it is based off of, Best of Luck by Nickel Creek. So I had the lyrics to guide me. I might publish another story based off of one of their songs. I don't know.

But, dear Reader, if this story was not satisfying and you did not like the ending because Marilyn did not end up with Atticus ... sorry, not sorry. I just went along with the lyrics of the song. Send your hate mail to Nickel Creek. But if you have any suggestions, please answer in the comments! I'm always open for correction. Just do it nicely, please.

And if you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/spouse, I wish you the best of luck!

Yours in eternity,


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