7 - Cough Syrup

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"Hi, could I please have...uh...a....mocha...."

I tried my hardest from rolling my eyes at the customer in front of me as they tried deciphering their order to me. It was my second week of working at the Lima Bean and I was beginning to hate it as the days progressed. I peered over at the clock, then back at the woman in front of me, then back at the clock again. The time still stayed the same and my hands were itching to grab a pot of scalding hot coffee and pour it all over myself.

The only reason that I had gotten the job was because my mother was having a hard time at work and I had to help her pay the bills. Of course, I still slivered off a bit of the pay for myself, but I usually used the rest to aid my mom. Even though I had to deal with annoying customers and the occasional burn to the hand from wielding a coffee pot incorrectly, it was worth helping out my mom.

"A mocha latte?" I attempted to finish the customer's sentence, trying to help her confusion. She nodded buoyantly and began to take out her wallet.

"Yes, a small one, please," She told me, handing me her credit card. I quickly entered the cost of the drink into the cashier then swiped her credit card through. I handed it back to her then quickly began to make the drink.

Although it did bum me out to see people I knew, the job wasn't all that bad. I still got to talk to the friends that came in every now and then and overhear the plans of the Warblers who sipped on iced coffees all day long. On a rare occasion, I would see Sebastian sitting with his friends, who would just happen to be sitting right in front of me, and share glances with him. It was weird though, since we never spoke to each other.

"Here you go, ma'am, one small mocha latte. Thank you for coming to the Lima Bean!" I told the customer as I handed her the drink. She smiled at me and nodded her head, quickly stepping off the line and walking out of the store.

Since there was no one on line, my eyes grazed over the café as I slumped over the counter. My eyes quickly fell onto a well-dressed duo, then squinted my eyes to see Rachel and Kurt flipping through magazines. I looked over at my coworker, putting her phone in her pocket as soon as I looked at her, and gestured towards the cashier. She nodded and I quickly sped over to their table.

"Oh, it's so timeless, it's perfect!" I heard Rachel exclaim, flipping through the pages of a magazine. Kurt muttered something in response but I couldn't hear him well.

"Hey guys!" I exclaimed from behind them, drawing their attention from what seemed like a bridal magazine. "Are you guys flipping through a bridal magazine?" I asked them. Rachel nodded exuberantly.

"As you know, the wedding is in May, so I need all the time I can get to pick out a dress!" Rachel spoke in excitement. I smiled and pulled up a chair next to her.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't a young Barbra Streisand, a young Jane Fonda, and an old Betty White! Where is Gay Cyclops? Still trying to stumble his way in?" Spoke none other, than Sebastian, who had just approached our table. His comic book character-like presence annoyed me ,but I still enjoyed the compliment.

"We can't come here anymore," Kurt muttered to the two of us. I whispered in response.

"Try having to work here."

"Rachel, I, uh, brought an engagement gift for you!" Sebastian stuttered, handing an orange envelope to Rachel, who hesitantly took it from him. Was Sebastian being nice for once? Impossible!

"Hmm..." Rachel whimpered, slowly unveiling a photo from the envelope. Our eyes quickly widened as Rachel continued to pull out the photo. "Oh my God!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Kurt and I exclaimed, as his hand quickly covered the bottom half of the picture, which depicted Finn, completely naked, in a pair of heels.

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