Chapter 6: Two Clowns, One Carnival

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"Buttercup SHOOT!"



The pair could be heard from across the carnival, bellowing at one another over a stupid carnival game; impatience and frustration seeping into every pore of Butch. He felt like ripping out his hair as he proceeded to watch the water squirt from the gun, hitting the wooden wall instead of the rubber ducks.

"I'M TRYING. I'M TRYING," Buttercup cried as she moved her water gun left to right, frantically trying to hit the rubber ducks that provoked her across the booth. She gritted her teeth as her eyes followed the moving ducks, missing almost every shot she launched. Buttercup sneered as she mentally replaced the toy's face with the awful Princess Morbucks; her knuckles turned white from stress.

It didn't help the fact that she was horrible at simple games like this.


"Times up," the coordinator yawned. He looked behind him, counting the rubber ducks Buttercup had managed to hit with his pointer finger. Butch glowered down at her and Buttercup flipped him off as the coordinator turned back around.

"Here," the man handed the two each a matching duck key chain. "That's all you won. Y'all hit three ducks. Next." He waved them off and gestured to the couple behind them.

The Greens walked away from the booth, exchanging frowns and dirty looks. Buttercup never liked the bitter feeling of losing.

"You didn't have to yell at me," Buttercup asserted. She played with the chain of the pathetic prize.

"You should've let me play," Butch replied, shoving the rubber duck deep in his left pant pocket. "I could've won you that stuffed dinosaur you wanted so bad."

"Well I'm not good at stuff like that," Buttercup snapped, looking up at Butch. "Stop bitching about it. Stuffed animals are Bubble's thing."

Sunday, February 19th, 3:39 PM. 

Butch had decided to bring Buttercup to the winter carnival. And since Blossom rejected him, (the feelings for her subsided but the humiliation still lingered) Butch had an extra ticket lying around. But it wasn't like they were on a date.

Butch just didn't want to waste the ticket.

"I'm hungry," Buttercup declared as she swung the duck key chain around her finger. They took a seat at a nearby bench.

"Man servant, get me something to eat."

"I'm craving hot dogs," Buttercup added.

"And are you paying pipsqueak?"

"No, you are."

Buttercup grinned, looking at Butch's back as he walked towards 'Stanley's Sausages.'

She couldn't help let out a chuckle.

It felt good to have the upper hand against Butch Jojo.

Buttercup pondered, the sound of children's laughter and liveliness filled the amusement park. She averted her eyes towards the many couples holding hand and hand with their ice cream cones and two straw sundaes. Buttercup stuffed her fingers under her thighs, her hair falling in front of her face.

Buttercup pressed her lips together, imagining herself as one of the happy passing couples. Her eye twitched, surveying the scene; the girl's boyfriend whispered something in her ear, causing her to giggle and blush.

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