Why not us?

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I kissed her.. I actully, finally KISSED Mari! As I held her chin and looked in her eyes, my heart beating a million miles/hour. I kissed her gently this time, and my lips went hot as the sun. I wanted more of her, and I needed it! 

''Wes...'' she wispered.

''Yeah?'' I said, still in chock. 

''Calm down okay? It..It was just a kiss okay? It was nothing special. Just me being wounded and you being really tired,'' she said and smiled, although I could see that her eyes was full of sorrow. She was close to tears, and now, so was I.

''Mari please dont... I..''

''Wes, I need to go now, but I see you later for Maricraft?'' she said.

I nodded and a tear fell from my eye as she left.

Why not us? Why can't it be the two of us?

I love you, Mari.

Sorry that I've been so off, schoolwork and stuff, but I'm back!

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