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As we sat down in the headquarters, after explaining everything to the boys, I took a deep breath. Everyone took everything very good but.. I dunno, I just felt like all of them were tense.

''Guys, is something up?'' I said, faking a smile.

''What? Ehm, yeah..'' Anthony stuttered, not able to find the right words, so Lasercorn continued.

''Before you guys came here, Peter showed up. We already knew about you guys because Joven texted us. Anyway, Peter came, wanting to have you back.. He's coming in about 2 minutes to beg.'' he said. 

I was in chock. Wes was in chock. I hugged his hand as hard as I could and started shaking. Peter was coming here and was going to beg for me. It was actully quite cute, but..

I didn't want him. 

I wanted Wes. 

''Mari? Mari honey, are you there?'' I heard his voice in the corridors.

''In here.'' I yelled back to him.

He walked through the door and I stood up.

Letting go of Wes's hand.


''Mari, thank god! I miss you baby, I'm sorry for everything, I wasn't thinking straight. I'm sorry for leaving you, I'm sorry for being an idiot. Please Mari, I'm begging you, take me back.'' Peter said, looking regretful. She just looked on the ceiling, like he was talking to someone else.

''Mari?'' He begged.

''What? Sorry, I wasn't listening to your bullshit.'' she snapped.


''I know very well that the moment you walk out of here, with or without me, you're gonna text some fucking girl, asking her to meet you somewhere. Do you think I'm dumb Peter? I know you like the back of my hand!'' She yelled.

Right, he dumped her for some other girl. Had he been cheating on her when they were a couple? I thought.

''You see Wes there? Yeah, that's my BOYFRIEND. Not you! So get the fuck away from here you cheating bastard!'' She said, taking my hand.

''Fine. You'll come back. They always come back!'' Peter yelled as he walked away.

I kissed her forehead and hugged her hand. 

''You okay?'' I asked.

''I've never been better'' She smiled and kissed me.

I kissed back and forgot all the drama that just happened. 

''It's me and you now.'' I smiled against her lips as she said tose five words, kissing her.

''Yeah, finally, it's me and you.'' I answered and continued kissing her.

''Guuuuuuuys, we're here'' Iancorn said.

''Yeah yeah, we'll stop.'' I laughed. 

''So it's really you two now, huh?'' Flitz asked.

''Yeah, it's us now.'' We both said. 

We found our way I suppose.


Hey guys, yes, it's finally the final chapter, and I know it's horrible. But I'm going to write more, and now I've dome a schedule!

MONDAY is Fanfic day, it's where I update my fanfictions.

WEDNSDAY is my own story day, it's where I update my own stories

SATURDAY is (IF YOU GUYS WANT) a day where I post a vlog, or something like that on youtube.

Dont forget to leave suggestions for future stories and also dont forget to follow me on social medias! 


Twitter: https://twitter.com/_MadnessMaker_  I'll be posting when the stories will be coming out and more! 

Love ya, xoxo MadnessMaker (AtomicPndah)

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