Chapter 1

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Jiaqi's POV

"Jiaqi, come on! Tell me what's wrong."

"There's nothing wrong."

"Then why are you suddenly breaking up with me? We just celebrated our first monthsary 3 days ago!"

"Look. I told you there's nothing wrong. I just wanted a break!"

"Why? If you said there's nothing wrong then why are you leaving me?"

"Because there's no more reason for me to stay. Forget about me."

"No, Jiaqi! Please! I'll do everything! If you fell out of love then I'll make you love me again. Please, Xu Jiaqi!

After I heard that, I laughed loudly which got her confused.

"You can't make me love you again 'cause I never loved you in the first place."

Then I left to go to the parking area so I could go back to the dorm although it's only 12 noon and my dismissal is 3pm.

I don't care about school and besides, It's just the first day, Not really important.


Xu Jiaqi.

Yeah, That's me.

Angel like face on the outside.

But you probably don't know what I am inside.

My angel like face is the reason why every guys and girls fall for me.

Well, It's not my fault though.

They should have known the real me first before trying to get invlove with me.

I got a long list of ex-lovers that I even lost count on how many are they.

I don't even remember some.

I'm Xu Jiaqi.

First year college in QCYN University.

I was actually studying there since my first year of highschool so I'm pretty well known by most of the students.

They also know how I play with guys and girls but still risk everything just to get me.

They are crazy right?

They know I'll just hurt them in the end but they still chose to pursue liking me.

But since I'm not the kind of person who snob the people who like them, I'm giving my admirers a chance.

If they're good then they'll have me for about more than 2 months.

But if they are not, Then I'm sorry,

I'll have to leave you whenever I want.

That's how every relationship of mine goes.

Simple right?


I quickly changed my uniform in an oversized t-shirt and really short shorts and flopped into my bed.

Gosh! I'm so exhausted.

Who won't be exhausted dealing with someone you want to break up with, right?

Right after laying down on my bed, I fell fast asleep.


Xueer's POV

It's my first day of college in QCYN University

I actually just got back here in China a week ago after 3 years of staying and studying in JYP University in South Korea

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