Chapter 27

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Xueer's POV

Those 3 words are enough to make my heart shatter.

Why? Why am I feeling this way?

What did I ever do to be in this situation?

"I like Lingzi."

Those words.

It's like a knife stabbing my heart a million times.

Those words hurt more than anything else.

"I-I'm proud of y-you."

I said while stuttering. I'm trying to hold back my tears because if I let it out, She would just wonder why I'm crying.

She shouldn't know that I like her. Never. I'll never tell her that.

I rather be hurt than lose our friendship just because of my stupid feelings.

"Thanks? It really feel good though. It's my first time liking someone like this. I can't explain what I'm feeling."

She said. I just looked at her. She's not staring at me anymore. She's just there. Looking at the ceiling, smiling really wide. Her eyes are sparkling. She looks really happy.

Does she really like her that much?

If only I could, I would also do everything just to see that smile on your face.

But I can't.

Because I'm not the one who could do that.

I'm not the one that you like, Jiaqi.

But how I wish I am.

"It's all new to you, huh?"

I said. If I didn't say anything, She might notice.

"Yes. I never knew it feel this great."

She said.

"Why don't you confess to her?"

I said.

I do like her but it doesn't mean I won't support her if she likes someone else.

I'm still her friend. I'll always be here for her.

"Do you think I can do that?"

She said. She's now staring at me.

I can see the fear in her eyes.

Is she scared to confess? Scared to be rejected? Scared to not get back the feelings she gave?

"Are you scared?"

I asked and she hesitantly nod.

She obviously doesn't want to show her fear to other people.

"You shouldn't be, Jiaqi. If you really like her then you should confess."

I said.

"But what if she reject me? What if she doesn't like me back? What if she avoid me after I confess? What if s---"

She said but I cut her out.

"Stop with the what ifs, Jiaqi. If you really like her then take the risk. Do everything for her no matter what."

I said and gave her a small smile.

It's funny how I could say those words but I can't even apply it to my self.

I really like Jiaqi but I couldn't take the risk.

Because I'm afraid of many things.

I'm not deserving for her. I'm not the girl who could give my all just for her.

Because my fear is the one taking over me.

And I hate that.

"You're right. Maybe I should really confess. I'll gather all my courage and I'll update you if I'm about to say it to her, Alright? Thanks for everything, Xueer. I love you."

She said and hugged me again.

"I love you too, Jiaqi."

How I wish your 'i love you' has the same meaning as mine.

Chapter 27, Done.

Sorry for the short chapter.

Writing this chapter makes me hurt. I really don't like angsty scenes.

Last update for today.

I'm really looking forward for tomorrow. I'm both excited and nervous but I'll stay positive!

Thanks for reading!

Let's continue giving love and support to our girls!

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