Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen 

Connell's brain was busy, trying to work out how he was going to make sure they both left on the Avata tomorrow, that Nick didn't get the chance to stay behind or whatever he was intending. All he could think of was to stick to him like glue. Maybe he could find some handcuffs. He knew it was really Nick's decision to make, but he'd have more chance escaping in the future if he was alive! After all, dead was dead. 

Connell finally got the food unit working to his satisfaction. Luckily, the oxygen unit appeared to have been maintained to some extent and was functioning adequately although it had a worrying habit of cutting out for a few minutes every so often. They had to face it, the ship was old and had been scheduled for salvage, it certainly wasn't in top condition.  

"We might as well have a good meal and a few hours sleep before we make any final decisions," Connell announced firmly, seeing the greyness of fatigue on Mars' face.  

"That sounds like a good idea," the other man agreed. He felt exhausted by all the frustrating effort. "But I don't think there's much choice. We have to take the opportunity to seek rescue while the nanobots are still transmitting. If we stay here, the Patrol will find us eventually, once Nowak gives them the co-ordinates, except by then we might be dead."  

"We'll see," Connell prevaricated. "For now, let's have a break. Come into the common room and sit down, I've got dinner ready." 

Mars brightened, "I've got an even better idea. Why don't we bring the food into the Captain's cabin and make ourselves comfortable? If it's like the Megan, there'll be a shower in there. I think I'd kill for a hot shower!" 

Connell frowned slightly.  

"I'll get the drinks," Mars continued persuasively. "I always keep a supply here on the base. I'll be back in a minute." 

"What have you got?" Connell called after him as he disappeared. 

"I'm a pirate. What do you think? Rum of course!" 

Connell was still smiling as he brought their two bowls of spicy noodles into what had been the Captain's cabin. There wasn't much of the original furniture left, but there were a couple of chairs and a small table. Evidently someone had been using it as an office. The bed was still in the corner but there was only a Patrol issue white cover on top, no pillows or quilts. Still, that would do for Mars he thought. There was bound to be another cabin he could use. If worse came to worse he could use the bedding in the cell. 

Mars came in a minute later, a bottle of Bastet Rum in his hand and a couple of glasses. He also had a clean shirt and trousers draped over one shoulder which he tossed casually onto the bed. "I always keep a few spare clothes here," he commented, nodding at the garments. 

"Here we go!" he said cheerfully. He sat down opposite Connell and poured them both a large drink. "Cheers!" He took a long swallow. "Aahh. I needed that." 

Connell sipped his rum cautiously. Hmm, not too bad, once you got used to it. They ate their meal hungrily then sat back, feet outstretched in front of them to finish their drinks. "I wonder if there's a Mahjong set anywhere?" Connell joked. 

"I don't have a Mahjong set but I do have a pack of cards," Mars offered. Both had had more than enough of talking about the ship and its problems, and they enjoyed a few hands of an old fashioned game called poker, which was making a comeback. Mars tried, unsuccessfully, to persuade Connell into a version he had discovered called "Strip poker," and poured them both more rum. Connell felt he was quite getting a taste for it. 

Eventually Mars stood up and stretched. "I'm going to have a shower," he announced. "Would you like one as well?" The alarmed look on Connell's face made him laugh. "I didn't mean at the same time," he teased. "Although if you'd like your back scrubbed, I'd be more than happy to oblige." He looked the other man over with a predatory eye, remembering in vivid detail how he had looked naked on the bed in front of him. Rather too late, he changed his expression to a friendly invitation. 

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