Chapter 2

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Cally's pov

Before I knew it, Newt was beside me. Gently pulling my hair out of my face. I could feel the hand that wasn't holding my hair gently rubbing my back. "I'm here," I vaguely heard him mumble to me. 
     I whipped some slime from my mouth with my sleeve before looking up at Newt. The look in his eyes and pale face showed he felt the same as I did, only I couldn't take it anymore. "I can't..." I whispered, my eyes darting from David's face to the next hanging soldier. "I just... can't." I said again, standing up. Without even as much as looking at Newt or the others I bolted for the door. A group of Gladers was gathering in the doorway, staring at the scene in front of them with the same, horrified expression. There was no eye contact nor a word spoken between me or any of them as they moved out of my way. Letting me out of the nightmare room. Not that the other room was any better. Cranks were still trying to break through the window bars and I could even hear them banging against the concrete walls. Yelling and creaming, growling. I made the mistake of making eye contact with one of them.
     "Hey!" She started, I didn't want to look at her, I didn't want to see what had happened to her. "Hey, Girl! Girly! You can help. I know you can." There was a gurgle through her voice as she spoke, but I didn't respond, pressing my hands to my ears to shut her out, but it didn't help much. I could still hear her. "Don't ignore me!"
     "Shut up!" I yelled at her. She yelled back, no words, just sounds I'd never hear a human being make.
     Needing to get as far away from it all as possible I slugged down in the corner between a bunk bed and the wall, my legs pulled up against my chest.  Anxiety took over. I couldn't think. My throat felt as if it was being squeezed shut as my heartbeat quickened. My breathing followed my heart's example, leaving me gasping for air. I stared at my hands, still covered in David's sticky blood. My vision started to blur, or maybe I was just shaking too much to focus properly. My brain went haywire, thinking back to the Griever fight from less then two days ago. All the blood and death. The screams of agony my friends had given when the monsters ripped them apart. I knew this wasn't the same, but it might as well had been. I couldn't help but think about the people we'd lost, Alby, Gally, Chuck, Ezra. Ow God, Ezra... His lifeless body in my arms, dead eyes staring at me without seeing anything. The stump where his leg used to be... Blood everywhere... 
     I shot back when someone touched me. My eyes quick to find the source. It was Frypan. Dark, worried eyes focused on me. "You okay, Cally?" 
     I wanted to scream at him that I wasn't. But couldn't get it through the lump in my throat. Fortunately, Frypan's touch had distracted my brain long enough to snap out of my anxiety attack. After I took a few, deep breaths I straightened my back. "I will be." I said, quickly wiping the tears that had stained my cheeks without realizing. 
     Frypan's eyes went over me before he stuck out his hand for me to take, which I did. "Com'n, they're breaking out Teresa." My thought went to Teresa, all alone in that room. Guilt washed over me. I was supposed to be with her in that room, but I had been too stubborn. Now she was probably terrified... 
     I followed the Keeper of the Cooks through the room with all the bodies, trying not to look at any of them as we walked to the other door in the room. I hadn't seen it before, but that wasn't that weird, considering there had been something else on my mind. 
     When we arrived, the door was already wide open, multiple Gladers standing around the open door. "Look." Frypan said, showing me the front of the door. On it was a label that read:

Teresa Agnes. Group A, Subject A1.
The Betrayer. 

Beneath it was yet another name, my name. 

Callidora Noble. Group A, Subject B-X6
The Doctor.

I frowned at the label. Normally, being called The Doctor would have been funny to me, but right now I couldn't care less. What I did care about was what this sign meant. This room was supposed to be mine as well, but I guess refusing to sleep here had changed something. It was weird to see Teresa's last name, Thomas had said all our names were based on famous and important people, but I had never heard of a Teresa Agnes before. Nor of a Callidora Noble, except for myself of course. The other thing that got my attention was Teresa's title, if that's what it was. The Betrayer. Whom did she betray? Did she betray WICKED? Well, she kind of did when she got me inside the Glade, but was that really all it meant? I hoped it was. More worried about my friend than before, I pushed through the group of boys, looking around for her. Only then I realized Teresa wasn't the one all the commotion had been about. It were yet two other boys. 

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