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[ The Girls ]

Roxanne: Soooo

Roxanne: The Party didn't work

Dominique: Yeah Yeah

Dominique: Rub it in

Dominique: But I had fun so :)

Roxanne: We didn't really have a plan though

Roxanne: We just sorta partied 😂😂

Lily: It was good fun

Rose: At the time.

Rose: I'm taking a break from Instagram for a little while

Lily: What! Why??

Roxanne: Because of that twat?

Dominique: What actually happened??

Rose: I got drunk, Hugo got drunk, he ended up in a washing machine apparently, with alcohol poisoning. I made some comment, idk what it was, Lorcan seems to think I don't care about Hugo now, or him.

Rose: He texted me later the next day, said we were over. Said I didn't care enough about other people. That I was too selfish.

Dominique: Prick

Roxanne: Don't listen to him Rose

Roxanne: You're beautiful and kind and it was a petty mistake, you were drunk. It didn't mean anything, it was some stupid comment, we all know that. Lorcan is just insecure and being a prat

Lily: Everything she said ^

Lily: You don't need to leave Rose

Lily: You have us, you don't need Lorcan

Dominique: You're so much more than him

Rose: Thank you, seriously, I appreciate that xx

Rose: But I need to go. It's too much, all of this, I just need some time away, so I'm turning my phone off completely

Rose: I'll see y'all tomorrow anyway, dads having a barbecue

Roxanne: Rose...

Rose: It's not the end of the world, we see each other all the time 😂

Lily: But what about the plan??

Rose: Operation Scorbus? You don't need me for that

Dominique: It's not the same

Dominique: We do this together

Rose: I'm sorry guys..

@rosepose left the chat
@domdom added Instagramer

Lily: She really has gone

Lily: Damn

Roxanne: Poor Rose

Dominique: Now we owe it to her

Dominique: To finish Operation Scorbus

Lily: Agreed

Lily: But how??

Roxanne: I've got an idea

Dominique: We aren't locking them in a cupboard

Roxanne: Rude

Lily: I have one

Lily: Like an actual plan this time

Lily: Basically, get someone to pretend to date Al or Scorp, and make the other one jealous

Roxanne: I prefer my idea

Dominique: Yeah but how do even we do that?

Dominique: Besides, why would anyone to pretend to date someone else?

Lily: idkkkkk

Lily: Your right, bad idea

Roxanne: Um....

Roxanne: Guys

Roxanne: Al just posted

Roxanne: With some girl


𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐛𝐮𝐬 | DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now