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Josie Pye had been feeling extremely lonely lately. Her best friend Tillie was sick and her other friend Ruby Gillis was off rendezvousing with her new beau Jerry Baynard. Of course, she could ask Anne Shirley to hang out but she has been spending all her free time with the blythe boy recently. Diana Barry was another option but she was also off somewhere with someone doing something Josie was not invited to. I guess you could say she is the lonely girl in the world. Even though Josie Pye is so popular, she somehow found herself with no friends to hang out with and parents who could not give a shit about her either. She wasn't mad at her friends, she just wished they would save some time to hang out with her in their busy lives.

Autumn Blythe seemed to be in the same predicament. Bea Miller was her best friend but she had stayed off school for the week, meaning Autumn was left to sit in the library alone and hide away from the world. Of course, she was friends with Anne and her friends but recently they had all been busy and her brother Gilbert had been stealing Anne away from her. Diana Barry was a good friend of Autumn's but she also seemed to be off somewhere unbeknownst to Autumn. The rest of the girls in the group were nice but Autumn was not girly enough to hang out with Ruby Gillis and Jane Andrews to talk about stupid boys she did not care about. This meant one option for autumn, to curl up with her favourite feminist novel in a corner of the old Avonlea school library.

Josie had decided to walk to the library since no one of her friends seemed to be in the canteen and didn't even bother to text her where they had gone to eat for lunch. It seemed everyone was either hanging out and forgot to to invite Josie or simply just not wanting her to come. Josie wasn't sure which one was true anymore. Her friends still texted her good morning and good night but every time she suggested they go out, they always found something better to do without her. Josie loved her friends and she loved her popularity but sometimes she felt like her friends didn't care if she was in the group or not, sometimes she felt like they wouldn't even notice if she just disappeared.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, I'm such a klutz" Autumn had scrambled to the floor to help pick up Josie's papers and school books. "I wasn't looking where I was going" stumbled the honey haired girl. Autumn had no idea why all her words suddenly became all jumbled but maybe it was the sight of such a pretty girl like Josie? She had no idea because usually she had such a strong, empowered demeanour but now she was a nervous wreck. "Oh it's alright" laughed Josie as she bent down and lightly touched Autumn's hand in an attempt to calm her down. They both felt this little spark fly between them as they both looked up at one another. This did not calm Autumn down because as she looked up into Josie's chestnut eyes and felt her soft, pale hand touch hers, she could have sworn her heart had stopped beating for a few seconds there. Autumn had heard a lot of people talking about how 'love comes in at eyes' or something like that but she had never ever experienced it in her life. Josie had also felt that same spark but brushed at off without a second thought and curved her perfectly lined, pink lips up into a small smile as she brushed herself off and placed her hand out in front of her for Autumn to take. "Accidents happen. I haven't seen you since we hung out before Billy's party. How are you?" smiled the blonde haired girl as she pulled Autumn into an upright position. "I'm good. I am just trying to find a quite place to read" Autumn was proud of herself for not stammering on her words. Her and Josie had been seen hanging around together occasionally but the only reason Autumn was with the girls on Billy's party night was due to Bea refusing to go and Autumn not wanting to go alone. "May I join you?" Asked Josie politely. As much as Josie hated reading she found it was her only comfort nowadays and Autumn seemed like a girl she wanted to hang out with more and not just when there was a party happening. Autumn had offered to drive them the other day but Billy was taking her and Josie thought she was just trying to make friends with her, Ruby and Jane more. Josie thought that was nice of Autumn and now she wanted to get to know her more and not just as the girl who sometimes hung out with her friendship group.

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