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"I love her, and that's the beginning and end of everything"

I wanted to first of all apologise for my inactivity. I have been using this time to educate myself on the BLM movement and been spending my time sharing links on my instagram accounts and signing petitions. I wanted to emphasise how important it is that we keep talking about this. I have seen people forgetting about it now but it is so important and we MUST continue speaking up. That being said I am also still a student attending online classes (and school one day a week for the next three weeks) so my time has been spent focusing on the bigger picture. Writing is my hobby and passion but it is not my life. I am really sorry for not updating but here is an extra long chapter to end part one <3 🧡

"Tell me something true" Anne blurted out as Anne and Gilbert walked side by side on their way to school. Gilbert's father had taken away his car privileges for a week after last weeks showdown and this meant he had to walk everyday. It wasn't a long walk but it was long enough so Anne gave up her chance to ride with Josie and decided to walk with him all week. They met under a big oak tree down the lane where they would begin their journey to school through the now snow covered wood.

"hm?" Gilbert diverted his attention away from his thought as he turned his head slightly to look at the auburn haired beauty next to him. "Tell me something true" repeated Anne. "I hate my dad" Gilbert had never actually told anyone that before but every bit of what he said was true. "Hate is a strong word, Gil" Anne kept her eyes straight ahead instead of looking at the boy. "I know it is but it's true and I do. He has never done anything for me other than put me down, how can I not hate him Anne-girl?" deadpanned the brown haired boy. Anne decided to not push the topic as she knew Gilbert was getting annoyed at even the mention of his father.

They continued their walk in a comfortable silence as Gilbert had calmed down as was now admiring the goddess next to him. He noticed how the snowflakes fell so elegantly on top of her red hair and how she stuck out beautifully in the white snow. He watched as she pushed a strand of red hair behind her ear and noticed how she was rubbing her hands together to keep them warm. "I should have taken Marilla up on that offer to wear gloves today" laughed Anne breathily. "Come here" replied Gilbert as he grabbed her hands and took them into his without a second thought. She quickly turned her body towards him as he started to rub his gloved hands up and down her bare skin. Anne felt this weird fluttery feeling in her stomach the second the Blythe boy took her hands in his but she couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly. Butterflies? no they can't be butterflies, Anne mentally scolded herself for even considering it but as soon as she had managed to make them go away she tilted her upwards towards the boy and their eyes connected for a long moment.

Gilbert couldn't help but grin at the girl in front of him and Anne couldn't hide the small smile creeping up on her face either. It felt like time had stopped for them as it always did whenever they locked eyes and not even the fact that they were going to be late for Miss Stacy's English  could draw them back to reality. Gilbert had shuffled himself a little closer to the girl and suddenly Anne's cheeks began to heat up. "Is this okay?" whispered Gilbert as he brought her hands up to his lips and kissed each of them. He had no idea what persuaded him to do that but something inside of him that he had been ignoring for the past 4 months that he knew Anne took over and he couldn't contain himself anymore. Anne simply stared at him in disbelief and gulped quickly before nodding her head dumbfounded.

The Blythe boy had always been confident ever since he was a little boy. All the girls at his old boarding school fell all over themselves whenever he walked into a room or gave them his infamous wink but when he was with Anne he always seemed nervous and shy. Today a side of Gilbert that Anne had never seen came out as he began to intertwine his fingers with hers. Anne didn't know what he was doing but she knew she wanted to find out.

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