Intro: Singularity

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I'm pretty sure this is real. Everyone in the world has a desire to be known and loved. Not in superficial way, in terms of fame or public adoration but to be known- for another person to have a deep understanding and knowledge of them. I've always wanted a soulmate, someone who could read my mind and understand my every action, a best friend, someone who knew exactly what made me tick and what didn't. Someone who was closer to me than my very breath. 

I should introduce myself first, I'm Olivia Johnson (that's not really my real name but for protection that's what you can call me).

I have/had a soulmate, his name is Thomas. It's a bit strange because when I fell in love with him, I knew it wouldn't last, I knew perfectly well that we were absolutely wrong for each other. I still don't get how that works, how you can love someone who's wrong for you. It kind of hurts a little bit, it definitely feels a bit disjointed like knowingly inhaling petrol because it smells good even though it could kill you. I often question if my love for him is real then. No, it has to be. I don't see how it could be otherwise. Please let me know what you think. Or don't. It 's probably best if you didn't. I'm very defensive about my feelings- clearly.

Thomas and I have/had been together for about two years. He is my soulmate one hundred percent. I might be delusional but that's okay. Most people don't believe in soulmates because there's 7 billion people on the planet surely there's more than one person for you, right? Wrong. At least for me anyway. We're two sides of the same coin, he is the blood of my blood and the flesh of my flesh. We quite literally have the same mind. 

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