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It's Monday morning and I'm on my way to school. I take the long way, through Spring Park and  then a left turn at the junction. He's always there when I turn the corner, leaning against the fence and eating an apple.  He told me over the weekend he was going to dye his hair, he didn't tell me what colour though. Upon reaching the corner, I get butterflies , I always picture his smile before I see him but nothing ever prepares me for the sight that he is. His hair is a nice silver-grey today which happens to be my favourite hair colour. He smiles at me and slings his arm around me as we walk towards school. Thomas is home schooled so he usually just walks me to school and leaves to start his lessons with his mum. 

"I like your hair," I say, lifting my hand to feel his soft, fluffy hair. "This is your best colour yet!"

He nuzzles my hair and breathes in deeply. "I did it after all your endless nagging." he says with a chuckle.

I push him away with my elbow. "I did not nag," he pulls me back to him. "I asked politely."

He breathes my hair in again. "Sure. Your hair smells really nice today."

"You say this every time." I giggle. 

"And I'll keep saying it till I die."

"Or until when I don't wash my hair for over a week." I joke.

"Even then."

He finishes up his apple and throws the core on the floor. I smack his arm, telling him off for littering.

"That's gross!" I laugh. "You have to put that in the bin."

He smiles and keeps walking . "The wind is in my favour today," He says heartily, almost mockingly- like a cartoon character.  "I'm sure when you look back it would be gone faster than you can say Thomas."

I take him up on his challenge. "Thomas." I whisper.

Sure enough when I turn around the apple core is nowhere to be seen. 

I have 6 classes today and one two hour block of a free period then after school I have a one hour therapy session with Dr Grayson. I'm still not sure why I have to have these therapy sessions, it's already been five years since my father left. 

No warning. He just up and left. I remember it as clear as day, my mother was sitting on the stairs with her phone in her hand, crying. She was distraught, I'd never seen a sight like this before. I'd just come home from school and was ready to start on my homework only to walk into the house to see her sitting there. It was quite manic because she'd actually cut her hair, choppily, with a pair of scissors. I knelt down beside her thoroughly confused. I called for my dad, wondering where he was as it was his day off. She only shook her head and handed me a note that I'd just noticed was in her hand. 

Dear Joseline and Olivia,

I hate that it has come to this, I hate to leave you but I know that this is what is best for my family. I have to be there for my son, Elijah. I guess this can't remain a secret to Olivia anymore. I'm sorry. Joseline, we knew that we had fallen out of love years ago...

Full disclaimer, the names in the letter have been changed for safety reasons.

I couldn't read the rest of the letter because it didn't feel real, surely this was a dream or a figment of my imagination. How could he tell my mum that they had fallen out of love years ago? They were the best couple I knew, this made no sense at all. Also, he has another kid? He's gone? Best for his family? Which family?  A son? I have a brother? 

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