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Tsukishima's POV

We won. We actually won. We beat Shiratorizawa... How did- I don't care. I calmed myself down and glanced over at everyone else hugging and crying. All of a sudden Noya and Yamaguchi ran me over with hugs.


"Tsukki!!!" I heard Yamaguchi scream as he jumped up after tackling me. "Tsukki that block was SO COOL" he beamed. I blushed a little, not knowing how to respond. 'He's so cute when he smiles I thought.

"s-shut up" I said quietly rubbing my neck and putting my head down so no one would notice how rosy my cheeks were.

"WOAH TSUKKI ARE YOU BLUSHING" my eyes went wide as Noya screamed. "YOU TOTALLY ARE OH MY GOD GUYS-" Noya screamed again but this time I covered his mouth before he got everyones attention and shot him an annoyed glare. Much to my dismay Suga saw the whole thing and gave me a confused smirk.

"I'm gonna kill you" I said looking at Noya, my hand still covering his mouth. He just looked over at Yamaguchi, who was still there looking confused, and back to me. His eyes widened for a second and then they got small. It was scary. He calmly took my hand off his mouth and got up and walked away. Once he was behind Yamaguchi though he turned back around and started making the most disgusting kissy face at me. I stared at him in horror and disgust. 'shit he knows'. I stood up and shot him a dirty look and walked back to the end line with Yamaguchi trailing behind me.

-+=+-  TIME SKIP -+=+-

I stepped onto the bus and sat down as far away from everyone as I could. I put my headphones on and looked out the window until I felt someone plop down in the seat next to me. It was Yamaguchi. He looked up at me and smiled and I smiled back at him. I took off my headphones and we started to chat. After about an hour of talking Yamaguchi was pretty much asleep and I was tired so we decided to end our conversation and sat in comfortable silence. I put my headphones back on and looked out the window until I fell asleep.

-+=+- TIME SKIP -+=+-

The song I was listening to ended a long time ago and now I could hear loud whispers and giggles. I didn't think much of it until I heard a camera click and I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around and everyone was looking at me and... OH MY GOD. Yamaguchi was still asleep with his head on my shoulder curled into my side, with his arms wrapped around my arm. My head had been resting on Yamaguchi soft hair and I was leaning into him while we slept. I looked back up at everyone else who looked a little nervous.

"You could have woken us up assholes" I whisper/screamed shooting everyone a dark glare. They all whipped around and got off the bus. Laughing loudly when they got off.  'I need to know how took that damn picture' I thought to myself angrily. I looked back down at Yamaguchi. He looked so calm sleeping and I really didn't want to wake him up but we needed to get off the bus.

"Tadashi," I said quietly resisting the urge to kiss him on the top of his head "Tadashi wake up we have to get off the bus now". His eyes fluttered open as he looked around. We were the last two on the bus. He looked at the position we were in and gasped, untangling himself from me as his face turned a deep shade of red.

"Sorry Tsukki," he said nervously, I chuckled and picked up my stuff.

"Its fine don't worry about it Tadashi." I said as I stood up and started to walk away.

Yamaguchi's POV

My faced flushed again. 'did he just... nah, I must have just heard him wrong' I thought as I ran off the bus after Tsukki 'but if he did' I thought catching up with him and looking at his face.

"What?" Tsukki said slightly annoyed

"Nothing" I said smiling 'nope he definitely didn't say that' We walked along in silence until we got to where we needed to separate.

"Bye Tsukki!" I said as we neared the corner

"See you tomorrow Tadashi" He said with a smirk as he turned and walked down his street. I stopped walking and my mouth fell open. 'So he did say it' I thought staring at the back of his head. I finally snapped back into reality and closed my mouth and started walking again. 'I know we're friends and have been forever, but he has never called me Tadashi before' I thought. Something fluttering around in my stomach. 



AHH! This is my first story every soooo I hope you like it! Also I hope everyone is staying safe during quarantine!


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