Ch 3

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Tsukishima's POV

After morning classes were over I rushed out of the class room to find Suga. Just as I expected, Suga was walking out of his class with Daichi and Asahi.

"Hi can I borrow him for a minute thank you bye" I said, grabbing Suga's arm tightly and rushing to the roof.

"Tsukki I'm hungry wait" Suga whined with a smirk.

"Sucks for you doesn't it" I shot back. I am not in the mood for this right now. As I rounded the corner to get to the stairs I bumped into someone but I didn't care.

"Hey watch it..." the kid said as he looked up. "Ohhhhhh! HI TSUKKI!" It was Noya. I gave him a devilish smirk and pulled him and Suga up to the roof.

"What the hell Suga" I screamed quietly as we got to the roof.

"Whaaaaattt" Suga replied innocently

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT?!" I screamed immediately lowering my voice. "Why did you tell everyone?!"
"I think you mean thank you senpai for helping the poor, helpless, first year who is stupid in love." Noya added with a smirk. I shot him a cold stare. I wanted to scream and cry at the same time. 'what if he finds out? What if he's disgusted? What if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore?' My breathing became short and ragged "shit" I said as my breathing became faster and shorter and I sank to the ground.

"Holy fu- are you ok" Noya asked looking actually worried. "Suga what do we do?"

"Don't even worry about it I got this" Suga replied sitting down next to me rubbing my back. I brought my knees into my chest and was resting my head on my knees. 'how pathetic.' I thought to myself.

"Hey, hey look at me" Suga said quietly still rubbing my back. Tears rolled down my face but I looked at him anyway. Suga drew me into a large hug and I put my head on his chest, trying to slow my breathing.

"It's going to be ok Tsukki, if he finds out everything is going to be ok. He's not going to be disgusted by you because you are best friends. I know Yamaguchi won't stop talking to you just because you like him. I'm always right about these things so don't worry about him ok. You are fine. You are so smart and you are one hell of a volleyball player. You might even be the only one to STUFF the Ushijima. You are not pathetic." My eyes widened as he spoke. I must have said everything out loud, there is now way he just did that.

"How did you..." I said quietly

"I just had a feeling by the look on your face, it's ok." He replied hugging me tightly. My tears stopped and we just sat there like that for a few more seconds in silence.

"SOOOOooo... now that mom has handled the issue, I don't think you need me anymore." Noya said while inching away.

"Noya!" Suga said sternly. Somehow, Suga made Noya return and he sat down in front of us.

"Look Tsukishima, we're going to help you so don't worry and leave it to us, ok." Suga said and Nishinoya nodded in agreement. I just nodded back silently sitting up.

"Ok then, what should I do?" I asked.

"Well I'm glad you asked" Suga said. The tone in his voice switched so fast it was kinda scary. "So first you are going to-" I zoned out after that. I just sat there looking blankly at Suga as he cheerfully explained everything. My mind drifted and I started to think about Yamaguchi. His cute freckles that became even more pronounced when he blushed. The way he was so loyal and kind to everyone, but could put his foot down when he needed to. His soft greenish hair. The way he looked so calmly when he was sleeping (THATS SOUNDS CREEPY BUT I SAW IT WHEN HE WAS SLEEPING ON ME ON THE BUS REMEMBER!). The way his eye sparkled when he went back to serve. The way his volleyball shorts made his butt look. 'HOLY SHIT WHAT AM I SAYING?!'.

"TSUKI! HELLO? EARTH TO TSUKI?" I heard someone yelling and I blushed as I was brought back to reality. When my brain finally caught up to what was actually happening, I looked up to see an annoyed Suga and a smirking Nishinoya.
"What? What happened?" I asked. My face still red.

"You were thinking about him weren't you?" Noya said slyly. I was sure my face turned an even darker shade of red than before.

"N-No I wasn't" I replied laughing awkwardly.

"Well we have to go to the next class but we're not done with our conversation!" Suga said standing

"Yea sure" I said, my face going back to normal as I stood up and walked back to class.

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AHHH I hope you liked chapter 3! I had to rush editing this one a little because I have a test today but I hope its not bad! :)

As always, Stay safe and stay inside! <3

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