Ch 5

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Yamaguchi's POV

I woke up to my mom yelling up the stairs "TADASHI GET DRESSED AND GET READY TO GO TO SCHOOL! YOUR FRIEND IS HERE TO TAKE YOU!" I sat straight up and looked around. It was already late so I hobbled out of bed and got ready. I crutched my way to the top of the stairs and looked down to see Tsukki standing at the bottom. He looked over at me and smiled at me.
"Good Morning!" He grinned, so I smiled back at him. "Oh! Let me help you!" He said as he put his bag down.

"It's ok I can do it... I think" I replied. But he was up the stairs and before I could say anything, and carrying me bridal style down the stairs while I was clinging to his shirt. When we got to the bottom I expected him to let go, but he didn't.

"Ready to go?" He asked looking down at me and I felt my face get hot.

"Y-Yeah sure" I replied and he set me down.

"Do you wanna try using the crutches to walk there or do you want me to carry you again?" He asked. I thought for a minute.

"I'll do it, it's fine!" I said smiling up at him. I didn't want him to baby me so I decided to try it on my own.

"Ok, then let's get going" He said as he slipped on his shoes and picked up both our bags. "Thank you Ms. Yamaguchi!" He said, holding the door for me.

-+=+- TIME SKIP -+=+-

'Ok maybe this is a little harder that I thought' I thought to myself as we came up towards the school building. Even after all that volleyball practice and conditioning, I was so out of breath and I needed to take breaks every couple of minutes. Tsukki just waited and walked with me, keeping up light conversation as we walked. Finally we got to the small hill that lead up to our school and I thought I was going to pass out from exhaustion. Seeing this, Tsukki bent down and said "Come on, I'll carry you from here". I just nodded and took his help, breathing heavily.

"You did a good job Tadashi. I don't think I would have made it all the way here if I was you" He said smiling as I hopped on his back.

"Yea you would've," I said back leaning my head against his shoulder, "You're stronger that you look you know." I said matter of factly. I saw his ears get red and I giggled.

"Whats so funny?" He said incredulously.

"Nothing nothing" I replied. "Just- thank you for carrying me."

We did this routine for a week, Tsukki coming over and picking me up and then us walking slowly to school. Then him carrying me when I got tired. And then at the end of the day we would do the same thing going home. I also got a boot which made walking a little easier, but Tsukki still insisted on carrying me.

Today though was a little different. Tsukki and I decided to take a stop and get ice cream before he dropped me off. It was the last day of the school week so we didn't have to worry about homework or anything. We walked over to the store and picked up some vanilla ice cream for Tsukki and an ice cream sandwich for me. After that we went to the park across the street and sat down so we could eat. The park was quiet and there was a slight breeze. It was February and it was a little warm out. A soft breeze blew through the park and ruffled my hair.

After eating in silence for a while I could feel Tsukki staring at me and it made me nervous. 'what is he thinking?' I looked up at him and tilted my head to the side.

"What?" I asked him

"What What?" Tsukki responded turning away quickly. I think he was blushing a little but he hid his face with his sleeve.

"You know what," I giggled, turning to face him "you've been staring at me for the past couple of minutes, that's what!" I said grabbing his hand and moving it away from his face. He looked me straight in the eyes and I didn't dare look away. His eyes traveled from my eyes to my lips and back up to my eyes again. He reached forward, closing the space between us, and placed his hand on the side of my face, touching my lips with his thumb. I blushed quickly and gasped. His hands were soft and warm against my face, and I wanted to stay like that forever. He pulled his hand away and smiled, my face still tingling from where he touched me.

"You had ice cream on the side of your lips so I wiped it off" Tsukki said, licking the ice cream off his fingers and turning away again.
"Oh," I was disappointed. I thought... well to be honest I thought he was going to kiss me or something. But why would Tsukki ever do that. Why would Tsukki ever think of me like that. I turned back facing forward and sighed. 

Tsukki's POV

I can't do that to him. I know he doesn't think of me like that so I can't kiss him. IM SO STUPID. OH MY GOD. I glanced over to steal a quick peek at his annoyingly gorgeous face. 'Why does he look so disappointed right now? Did I freak him out. Oh God. What did I do? I'm so dumb. He's probably so disgusted right now. Shit. What do I do. What if he doesn't talk to me anymore. He probably hates me now' I felt my breathing change pace again. It was short, ragged and shallow. As much as I was breathing, I couldn't get any air in. My chest was closing. What do I do. My vision was blurry, and then everything went black.


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OOOO CLIFFHANGER! Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter! It was really fun to write :)

As Always, Stay Safe <3 

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