Chapter 1▪︎Life in gehenna

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Edit: All the edits made were grammatical errors that have been fixed!


===Rin's pov

I was just called to father's throne room by one of his royal guards. I wondered what he wanted me for. I left what I was doing and started to head towards  dad's throne room. If you didn't know my dad is the king of gehenna, Satan. I'm his youngest son, Rin. Unlike my brothers i'm not a demon king or anything. Apparently, dad said that one day I was gonna take the throne to gehenna.

But as a right now I'm just the youngest and most powerful(second only to dad and Lucifer but I haven't spared with him recently and Samael) son of Satan destined to become the next king of gehenna. With the help of my blue flames and all.

Enough about me, father is still waiting for me to arrive at his throne room but who knows what he's thinking?

As I turned the corner of the castle walls I was met with a 2 large double doors each with a silver shinning handle.

To get the doors to open you must first wait for the torch next to them to light a bright blue flame,  you then use your power to push the handles of the door open.
If the doors recognize your power then you get to enter into the throne room. If not; ..umm let's just say I doesn't end well.

"Rin." As I entered the throne room I was greeted by fathers booming loud voice. It wasn't scary though more like overpowering. But I've gotten used to it.

"You summoned me father." I stated coldly as I knelt down on one knee to show a sign of respect.

"You don't have to be so formal,"

-"were family after all."

I got off the ground and walked close to my father's throne. He started to move from where he was seated to come and greet me.

He then teleported into my arms and gave me a big bear hug.I hugged him back ofc. How could I not dad is such a big softie!

-(ahah  in this Satan is good ppl)-

After about 5 seconds we broke the hug and dad left his arms on my shoulders even though we were standing at least 2 feet apart.

(I'm so bad at descriptive writing T^T)hope you know what I mean!

He looked me dead in the eye before saying, " Son, your going to Assaiah." With that my face lit up and I was getting really excited! Thoughts flooded my mind-
I've never been to Assaiah before dad said that's where I was born
-Amaimon offer brings candy from there and it's really yummy
-oo and that's where Samael is staying isn't it?!
-oo and Lucifer too!!!! Doesn't he run like the illuminatnat or something?
-immagine how I could mess with Samael's stuff
-but then he'd probably put me in his big dumb cuckoo clock.

My mind was crazy filled with thoughts and ideas of what I was gonna do when I got there.

My train of thought was then interrupted by father-

"Rin, this isn't a vacation trip."

"Your going for business-"

Damnnit! I thought I was gonna be able to have a good time teasing Samael and Amaimon since they were already there. I guess I can still have some fun-

"You better start packing your things and thinking of a familiar form to take-"

The first time I'm let out of gehenna and I gotta act like a familiar?!"
I complained to father who looked like he wasn't having any of it.

Summoned Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora