Chapter 2▪︎ HE WHAT!?

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Edited: 11th August 2020

!All edits made were grammatical errors fixed and corrected!


Anyways imma try to update this and u have any ideas hit me up cuz I started this uh- thing? without a plan.

Oof. The chapter starts now

Yukio's pov

"Would anybody mind telling me what's going on? anYBODY?!"

I probably sound like a mad man at this point. Let me tell you how I ended up summoning the son of satan.


I had just woken up and was about to leave the monastery when father came up to me and gave me a strange sword. He told me to hang onto it for him and never to let it otta my sight. Which was kinda strange considering that I wanted to be a dragon and not a knight. I didn't mind tho because it was a foldable katana😎 (lol idek at this point) actually the sword he gave me also came with a key.

Apparently the key was able to seal the sword in this pocket dimension. Which not gonna lie was pretty cool!

-Also if your wondering this is actually very normal for me to be doing really weird things since I first told father that I already had a temptate. I could also see demons clearly.-

Anyways I was now off to school and if I didn't hurry I wasn't going to be early. I had to get there a whole hour e3than everyone else since I had to give some fancy speech in front of the whole school. The sun wasn't even up yet since I had left super early in the morning and it's like that this time of year.

**time skip to after normal school and to cram school**

I was super excited for cram school as I had been here before with father but not as a student of the academy. I was definitely more excited that nervous even though I had heard rumors about the principal Mephisto Pheles being a bit on the strange side. I wonder if the teachers here were like that too? Aw, never mind look someone's coming.

My train of thought was disrupted by a teacher walking in. He had kept us waiting for so long, any longer and I would have fallen asleep again. I hadn't gotten much sleep, you know, preparing for the speech and stuff. Bad idea staying up to memorize the whole thing.

As he came in we all stood up to greet him and sit back down. I had taken this moment to get a really good look at my future classmates....


Ok then. A few odd balls, but nothing I couldn't handle😼

( I'm not sorry)

**insert character descriptions**

The teacher had just introduced himself and we were all getting to know each other a little bit while others were getting their temptates. Had mine already though

After that we were gonna try summoning a familiar. It could always be helpful to have one around for like tieing my shoe laces and stuff like that. I highly doubt that i'm gonna be able to summon a high ranking demon though. I'm still just and exwire.

As everyone was talking their turns only two people where able to summon familiars Shiemi and Izumo.

It was now my turn as I wanted to go last, for dramatic effect (ofc)

I bit my thumb and placed some blood on the paper. After a few seconds I noticed that nothing was gonna happen so I dropped the paper onto the floor. But as soon as I did that a blue flame engulfed the page and out came a high ranking demon. Was he Satan? If he was how the hell did i-

"Okumura!" I turned around to see my teacher freaking out " GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THERE! WE DON'T KNOW WHO HE IS AND WHAT HE WANTS."

but before I could respond the idea came to me, well more like was yelled to my face"RIP IT! RIP THE PAPER TO BITS!" My face was hit with a sudden realization. I should rip the paper.

I was about to reach out for it when a long, pale, freaking ripped arm grabbed it before I could.

"Woah you summoned me on this pice a shit?" The demon asked as he longed his 'are-you-serious' expression. "Yeah um, were gonna have to change that 1 sec"
He turned around and before you knew it he had imprinted the symbol and him right hand

(kinda  like a henna if you know what I mean. If not that's kinda sad:( )

I was jaw-dropped. Wth?! WTF!?

Yeah right you just came here to check out this demon. Can't fool me old man.

And like that wasn't bad enough the demon knows him!? Ok I need explanations and I need em now.

**end of le flashback**


Oof. Imma end it here for this chapter. Don't know when i'll update next but if I get at lea21 comment the next is coming sooner rater than later

-Maya out

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