Chapter 2- Da Doo

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Seymour Krelborn POV

As I headed to my next class, I passed Twoey in the hall. They were with a girl. I smiled at them and headed on my way.

When I reached the area we were supposed to meet at, I was greeted by Ms. Gardener, the gym teacher. She approached me after finishing up with another student. She had dark skin and curly hair pushed out of her face with an exercise band. She wore a white, baggy, short-sleeved jumpsuit.

"Hey, welcome to gym class! I'm Ms. Gardener, what's your name?" She exclaimed.

"Seymour? Seymour Krelborn?" I said. She looked down at her clipboard and pointed to another student sitting against the wall.

"Go sit next to him for now." Ms. Gardener said, walking off. I went and sat down next to the guy she pointed to.

"Hey," The guy said, "I'm Fiyero."

"Hi! I'm Seymour!" I said, a bit too cheery. Fiyero smiled and punched my shoulder lightly. I rubbed my shoulder.

"You don't work out do you?" Fiyero asked. I shook my head, embarrassed.

Fiyero and I chatted for a bit until class started. We were instructed to go into the gym. It was huge. It had three smaller basketball courts and one big one if you took away the other nets. Separators were being rolled up mechanically. The class sat down with the other classes. There were two others in total. As we sat around, waiting for instructions, I saw a familiar face. It was Audrey and... Orin.

Ugh. I hate that guy. He's so abusive. Twoey agrees with me. They've said on multiple occasions that they'd strangle him to death if they could.

"Alright, everyone! As some of you know, I'm Mrs. Meyers!" Another teacher boomed, "We also have Ms. Gardener and Mr. Lee."

"Today you will get your uniforms! They are provided to us by the district, so there is no payment required. Each of you gets two uniforms. We will start calling you up by the last name," Mr. Lee stated.

"Alright, you can talk among yourselves until you hear your name. We will assign everyone a locker as well," Ms. Gardener said.

We all started talking as people were called up. It was quite loud, so Mr. Lee used a microphone to announce names. It was going pretty slow, but I still kept an eye out for Audrey. She looked over at me and waved. I waved back at her, happy that she knew I was there. Orin slapped her across the face and proceeded to yell at her. Mrs. Meyers caught him and sent him to the office. Audrey moved over to me.

"Hey, Seymour," Audrey said, "You saw that, right? God, I hate him! I just wanna break up with him!"

"You should!" I said, "He's awful!"

Ms. Gardener called my name. I waved goodbye to Audrey and headed up to the table. Ms. Gardener handed me two sets of uniforms and my locker number. I took the uniform and headed to the men's locker room. When I walked in, I was met with a smell almost like sulfur. I scrunched up my nose at the smell but walked forward to my locker. It was a large room. It took me a few minutes to find my locker, but once I did I opened it and put away my uniform. I walked back to the gym and heard the bell ring. I grabbed my bag and headed out. My next class was biology.

As I walked to the classroom, I looked down at my schedule to see who the teacher was. His name was Mr. Brumen. I put the sheet away and pushed open the door. The whiteboard had instructions written on it. It read:

Choose your own seat. This will be your seat for the rest of the quarter unless it becomes an issue.

I shrugged and sat down at a random seat, right next to another guy. He had dark brown hair and pale skin. I guess he heard me sit down since he shifted his gaze to me. He was wearing a porcelain mask over the right side of his face, hiding something.

"Hello," He said, "I'm Erik. You?"

"I-I'm Seymour!" I stuttered out, a bit put off by the mask. Erik nodded and shifted his gaze back to a notebook he was writing in. It looked like music.

"Alright, class, today will just be icebreakers. You've probably been doing these in your other classes as well. We're going to start out with a game of two truths and a lie. We'll go down the list of names I have for this class," Mr. Bruman said. We all got a bit nervous, considering we don't know anyone in the room. Mr. Bruman walked over to his desk and called out the first name.

"Christine Daaé, please step to the front," Mr. Bruman said. Erik perked up at the sound of this girl's name. She practically drifted to the front, brushing one of her dark brown curls out of her face.

"Hi!" She began, "So, um, I'm a ballet dancer, I like music, and I live with my mom."

People began raising their hands, guessing. She eventually revealed that the lie was number 3 since apparently her mom was dead. Guess we have something in common.

Mr. Bruman called out Erik's name next. Erik slowly walked up to the front, a bit nervously. He stood at the front, his head down. Mr. Bruman motioned for him to lift up his head. He did so, very reluctantly. Erik thought for a moment, then spoke.

"Um, I write music, I can't play any instruments, and I'm from France," Erik said quietly. I raised my hand, guessing number 2. He nodded and sat back down.

Mr. Bruman kept going down the list and we learned some very weird things about people in the class. Eventually, my name was called. I was a bit startled, but I walked up to the front, already having my answers in mind.

"Hi!" I started, "So, hate plants, I live on Skid Row, and I don't have parents." People began guessing, but it took a while before anyone guessed number one, which was a huge lie.

The class ended and I walked out. Next,  we had lunch. Now all I had to do was find Audrey and Twoey in this crowd.

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