Chapter 6- It Takes Two

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A/N- In this ff, all of the unnamed characters in ITW are gonna be named after my cast. The Baker is Reid, Baker's Wife is Kate, Witch is Caroline (me), Little Red is Maisy. 

Cinderella POV

I approached the school rather early. I wanted to get away from my stepmother so badly. Unfortunately, Lucinda and Florinda went to the same school as me, so I'd have to put up with them. I miss my mother. She treated me well. I've cried so many tears at her grave.

I pushed the door open and walked inside. The school was rather big. I had been going here for the entirety of high school and I was still amazed by the size of the school. Almost like a palace.

I sat on a bench in the commons and listened to the silence. It seemed like a perfect place to sing. I stood up, leaving my bag on the bench. I glanced around to see if anyone was there. There was not a single soul. So I began to sing a tune my mother had once sung...

"Wow, you're amazing!" A voice called out. I was so caught up in my voice that I must have not seen the lanky boy walk in. I knew him, though. His name was Jack.

"Oh, Jack. I didn't see you," I said. Jack huffed, amused. He sat down on the bench with my bag.

"You might wanna sit back down, Cindy. There's a hoard of them coming," Jack said. I rushed to the bench and sat down as the other students filled the space.

I looked through the crowd to see if I could find any of my other friends. The only people I found were Lucinda and Florinda. I looked away and brushed my hair over my eyes so that they wouldn't catch a glimpse of me. If they did, the two would just terrorize me. Luckily, they didn't see me. Jack began waving to someone across the way.

"Reid, Kate!" Jack called out. The couple traversed their way through the crowd to us.

The two were the perfect couple. Reid did a lot of baking, so most people who didn't know him just called him The Baker. Since Kate was quite secretive about her interests, she'd coined the unfortunate nickname of The Baker's Wife. We chatted for a little bit.

"Hey bitches," A voice called out from behind us. I jumped, turning around.

The voice came from Caroline. She was known for always sneaking up on people. She had thick, curly hair. She had dyed it platinum blonde. It wasn't even blonde at that point, it was white. Almost grey even. We were around the same height. She had propped herself up against the wall with her legs crossed. She uncrossed her legs and sat down on the edge of the bench, sitting with one leg on each side.

"How do you just appear out of thin air like that!?" Jack asked.

"It's a talent," Caroline said, jokingly tossing her hair over her shoulder. She's always been a bit of a diva.

The bell rang and we headed to our classes. The class was drama. Our teacher, Ms. Peters, was around the same height as Caroline. The two were almost identical besides the hair. Before Caroline had dyed her hair, a lot of teachers would start trying to get her attention.

Caroline never talked about her hair, nor the fact that last summer, she suddenly had to use a cane. We didn't question it, though. If she didn't want to talk about it, we wouldn't. We learned not to bring it up because when Reid asked her, she snapped. She yelled 'I'm not going to talk about it so you aren't going to talk about it!' and now we've learned our lesson.

Although Caroline was disabled, she walked much faster than me. Then again, she didn't walk very well. She was always very out there. I tried my best to keep up with her, but I got worn out just trying to get up the stairs at the same pace as her.

Some girls laughed at Caroline as she hobbled up the stairs. I got to the top of the stairs and saw Caroline staring daggers at them. The three girls standing there looked back at her absolutely disgusted. Caroline charged at them and they scampered to their class. Caroline began laughing incredibly hard.

"Oh, oh god I shouldn't have done that, ow, oh my god," Caroline said, gasping for air. I helped her stand and we began walking slowly to the drama room. 

We sat down and began the class. I spaced out since it was just notetaking. When the bell rang, I packed up my bag and was out the door after everyone else.

(Sorry for the short chapter, my brain is mush since rehearsal started)

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