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"Hey Ria! Are you fine?", Asad ran after her and pulled her back from her arm. She turned back , freed her arm and shouted at him, " it's none of your business. Stay away!"
"But... but you look ...upset!", he exclaimed.
"Leave me! It's none of your business! I don't know what's your problem. Why you interfere in other's problem?!", she exasperated.
Listen! Ria", he said.
"I said leave me", she said in fury.
"But...!", he said
"Stay away!!!", she ordered
[ Asad gasped ]
"You're so spoiled and you're rude", Asad furiously said.
[ Ria put a look at him , didn't reply him and left ]
"Ummm...! Ria! Listen!", Asad murmured but she didn't stop and she left.
"Damn!! I don't know what's my problem. What i was trying to do?! I shouldn't get closer to her! She doesn't even deserve sympathy! Why i forgot about her! Oh...! What i was thinking few hours ago!", Asad said in anger.
"Hey idiot?! What are you murmuring?", Amna hit him from behind.
She looked all around and said," with whom you were talking to?!".
Asad replied, " No! No! There was no one!".
Day passed, every class seemed to fly. Amna decided that their group would go for a picnic party. She made everyone agree. She also talked to Ria. Firstly she refused and after Amna's keen request she agreed. They all agreed to go somewhere relaxing and enjoy Amna's cooking.
Ria rushed into the house and called out Rahima and Raheem. It was day time when she came back from school.
"Imam Bibi! Where are they?", she asked in hurry. "Why Bibi G? Why are you asking for them?" Imam Bibi curiously asked. "No there is nothing. Will you allow them to go with me?", Ria asked.
"Yes Bibi G! But where?", Imam Bibi said.
At the meantime Rahima and Raheem came running. "Oh there you are!! C'mon! Driver is waiting outside we have to go somewhere", Ria told them.
"Where?", Imam Bibi again asked.
"We'll tell you later!" Saying this Ria ran towards the car which was waiting outside.
It was end of the school when Zarah told her mates," Do you know that today morning when i was entering the gate, Baba Rehmat khan stopped me and said that we should take care of Ria as she is new here. We should help her to adapt in this environment.". "Oh really? It is so? Why he said that? Did he tell you?", Zarah asked.
"No he just asked us to take care of her", Amna replied.
"Do you think she really needs our care?!", Asad arrogantly said.
"Oh Asad why you say like this", zarah said.
"Ok! Let us ask Baba G about it!", Amna added.
"Ahmm... let see.. but it's quite late. Everyone has already gone". "There he is!", zarah pointed at Baba Rehmat khan.
"Ok! Let's ask him", Asad said, " i was also worried to see her like that!".
"What?!",said the Amna.
"Um... i mean as u told!! I'm also worried!", Asad replied.
"Baba G!", Amna shouted.
He noticed them and walked ahead. "Yes my dear children! What's the issue?", Said the Baba Rehmat khan.
Amna told him, "Baba G !... we were just curious that today Ria was not well.. she looked so distracted today. I want to ask you do you know something? I.. i mean if you know something. Tell us so that we can help her"
While Amna was saying all this Asad was constantly ignoring Baba Rehmat khan.
Baba G also noticed his attitude, then looked at Amna and replied, " My child! I don't know much. Today's morning when Ria came, she looked very sad. When I consoled her. She almost cried. On this I asked Zarah to take care of her. I hope you guys will be good to her."
"Yes! For sure! We'll", Said the Amna
"Ok! We should leave now.", zarah added.
They all left with curiosity. But on hearing all this Asad became upset as well.


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Writtenbyisha ♥️

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