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"Knowledge forbidden?

Suspicious, reasonless. Why should their Lord

Envy them that? Can it be a sin to know?

Can it be Death?"

- Paradise Lost, John Milton



everybody knows that the dice are loaded

ALICE BRIAR lives in the Cain District, where sacrificing a pleasant life is necessary for the good of the many. After beginning her work in a Fallen Women hospital, caring for the young and old women who were discarded from Eden for being barren and infertile, Alice tries to sink into the life that she has been given, even though the turmoil around her in the Gilded Confederation grows. When a run-in with the outcast and fabled Inferi leaves her changed, a journey sets into her life through districts of the Gilded Confederation.

everybody rolls with their fingers crossed

WILL MERRICK has not left The Wood since the rebellion began. Being an Inferi meant hiding out in the forgotten district, as far away from the Order as possible. The marks of his kind grow on his arms, expanding throughout like twisted vines. After officially joining the Fireflies, the name behind the rebellion, Will receives his first mission, even though his mind is focused on the curious story behind a missing human, and a stubborn fledgling Inferi.

everybody knows the war is over

RED PAYTON can feel her sanity slipping away. It's what happens to the women who train as a Sparrow Agent, everyone in Gilded knows that. As she nears the end of her training, Red receives word from the Order of her own target, a Cainian woman named Alice Briar. The line between right and wrong begins to blur as Red finds herself unable to follow her orders, and finding more familiarity with a young woman from the rebellion.

everybody knows the good guys lost

AS THREE stories intertwine, all searching for the answers behind their place within a harrowing world of darkness and cruelty, a hidden conspiracy behind the Order is revealed, and a leader rises from the ashes.

everybody knows


F O R E W A R D 

Thank you for reading this. I cannot even begin to explain the amount of tears and coffee that has piled into this story. So much planning, so much patience, so many long nights. This story is nowhere near done, so expect some editing errors. I will be creating a map and timeline to explain the background to the series. 

I hope that this story can pull you away from reality for a moment. 

Thank you for being here.

It means the world to me. 



check back for a new chapter daily.

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