meeting you

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Indo's p.o.v

The bell rang I got up from my chair . I got to Phil my best friend we've been friends for a long time .

I race him to the cafeteria . Dang he's fast welp gotta run faster . After getting our lunch we went to the balcony .

Mal's p.o.v

I'm just sitting alone on the bolcony eating lunch that I packed . When two boys sat at the other side of the balcony .

They got up and one of them said " Hey , nice to meet you I'm Indonesia or Indo for short . This is my best friend Philippines or Phil . And you are?"

I smile this is the first in forever since I had a conversation with anyone else . " H-hi I'm Malaysia . You can call me Mallie or Mal ."

We soon became friends . We had different classes after lunch so we part our way's . After school I thought I could meet Indo or Phil .

But I was pulled by Singa and his gang .

~flash back ~
"Singa wait ! Please don't go PLEASE !" Mal begged Singa . Singa was like a family to her. "I never liked you Mal . Now let go
I have other people that can treat me better than you !" .

Mal cried she just lost everything. Her state's calmed her down saying sweet nothingness .
~End of flashback~

3rd person p.o.v

Singa and his gang pulled Mallie into a unused class room . "Wha-what do you want!?"Mal shouted almost crying.

Singa told his gang to leave . He looks at her and said"Oh Mallie I'm sorry I have to ." He whispered into her ear . He left the room leaving a confused Mal .

Mallie got her bicycle and cycled home . It took her 45 minutes to just get to her village . However to get to her house from the village takes 10 minutes .

Mal's p.o.v

Finally got home . I look at the wave's so calm and peaceful . I wonder what the state's are doing?
Eh, probably fighting over a can of milo.

I laugh quietly at the taught. After going to my orchard where I harvest fruits and vegetables . I changed my clothes into my baju kurung . I walk around the town till my phone rang . It was Indo I answered .

"Hey Indo!"
"Hey Mallie what are you doing?"
"Oh , nothing interesting just walking around the town."
"Do you want to have a sleep over
with the other ASEAN"
"Sure why not .I'll be there at nine o'clock"
"Great I'll give you the address and I'll see you there bye"

He already hung up I never had a sleep over . But I've heard of it eh whatever. Wonder how it will go...

You Light Up My Life   (countryhumans . IndoMalay)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon