Austin's Tired and Seek's Tired

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(Austin and Seek are young teenaged here, like around 14-15 young; this may be OOC on Austin's part as his 6th ep just inspired me to project onto his character, my bad-)

Austin and Seek had only been in the jungle temple for seven minutes and already nearly been killed five times. Setting off two traps at the entrance, Sekah waking up dormant skeleton guards, then guessing the wrong combination to get past the first room. The punishment being the floor opening up beneath them and dumping them into a concrete corridor.

"This is your fault, you know," Sekah mumbled as they walked down the endless darkness, lit only by Austin's occasional fire.

Austin glared at his back and flicked a flame just past him. "What do you mean my fault?!"

"I wanted to wait to figure out the combination but nooo you wanted to just blow it open! If I hadn't tried to open it, you would've blown me and the artifact up."

"We don't even know exactly where it was! Who's going to hide an artifact right behind a wall with three levers, stupid."

Sekah huffed, crossed his arms, and purposefully walked a bit faster. "You're the stupid one." A column of fire blew past him, filling up the corridor floor to ceiling. He yelped and flattened himself against the wall while his face felt like it was being torched.

"What'd you say!?"

"Nothing! I said nothing!" Sekah spit out. The fire dwindled down and he glared at his brother before picking up the pace.

The strained silence lasted a whole three seconds before both of them were ready to yell at the other again. Before either of them could say anything or attack, the walls around them rumbled. They stopped dead in their tracks and glanced at each other.

The stone walls behind them opened up with a grating groan. Out stepped short stone-stacked golems with glowing light green lines carved into their bodies. They staggered towards them and Sekah nervously gulped.

"Uh, we should go."

Austin laughed. "Tch, look at them. What are they gonna do to us?"

One golem materialized an obsidian club from its back and swung it at Austin. He ducked at the last minute and the club rammed into the wall, going right through and striking in a human-sized crater.

"That's what they'll do to us."

All the golems pulled out similar clubs and the two brothers turned hightail and ran. Thunderous stomps bellowed behind them, never slowing but not getting faster either. Sekah feverishly vined the ceiling, swinging himself ahead with Austin flinging flames forward to light their way.

"I see light ahead!" Sekah called back. He disappeared into the dark and Austin cursed.

Before he could fill the entire corridor with magma, a vine emerged from the darkness, grabbing Austin, and yanking him forward. He saw a glimpse of green before he slammed into his brother and was shoved to the ground.

He landed face first and bit down a yell when his nose crushed in on itself. Something thin and tangy stuck itself in his mouth and spat it out. Blades of grass. He coughed and stuck out his tongue, batting the taste off. "What was that for?"

Sekah stood over him, looking him over. "Saving your life obviously. You were running too slow."

"You weren't even running! Doesn't count."

"Does too! Anyway get up, look what we found."

Austin leapt up, only because he wanted to, not because Seek told him to. They were at the mouth of a large cavern showered in green light. The cavern could've been mistaken for a garden on the surface if not for the dark, rocky ceiling. Grass grew from along the floor, weeds and flowers flourishing amongst the multitude of trees. Vines fell from up above and curled around the floral floor.

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