Chapter 4

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Clarke's POV

I stood there unable to move after what Lexa said. Does she have a boyfriend or was she just joking? I didn't really know what to believe. I noticed her acting like she's hiding something but Im not sure.

I returned back to Finn and sat down.
„What was that?" He put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.
„Nothing. It's fine. She's just acting weird."
„Did you two talk about it?"
„No. I'll just let it go it's probably nothing anyways." I shrugged.
„Okay whatever." He smiled and pulled me closer.
„Im starving." He smirked.
„ Same. Let's grab something to eat." He stood up and extended his hand for me to hold.


Lexa's POV

„Aden!" I opened the door to the house as I came back from the run.
„What?" He yelled back at me.
„Get your ass ready we're leaving in 15 minutes!" I shouted again while I was walking up the stairs.

I walked in my room and grabbed my towel. I needed to take a shower and dress up in 15 minutes so I had to be quick.

„Where is dad by the way?" I peeked in Aden's room.
„On some kind of meeting." He answered as he was texting something.

I found it suspicious since smile appeared on his face. I slowly found my way to his desk where he was sitting and aproached him from behind.

„Uuu who are you texting to?" I teased him with smirk on my face.
„Get out you asshole!" He was quick to turn his phone of and pushed my face to the different direction.
I laughed and shaked my head as I was leaving the room and making my way to the bathroom.

The hot water streamed down my body for about 10 minutes before I decided it was time to get out of the shower and get going.
I took out shorts and a white shirt from my closet and dressed up.

„Aden you ready?" I ran into his room where I found him laying on his bed apparently waiting for me.
„Yep" He nodded.
„Well let's go then." I turned around and left his room with me behind him.

„Put your seatbelt on." I told him as I was starting the engine.
„Done." He answered annoyed.
„ you think we could bring Madi along?"
„Madi?" I asked him confused.
„We talk a lot lately so I thought that we maybe could bring her." He blushed and tried to cover it with his hands but I noticed.
„You mean Clarke's cousin Madi?"
„I mean...sure. Call her and let her know." I gave him a soft smile.

Maybe about 5 minutes on the road Aden started to talk again.
„What about Clarke?"
„What about her?" I asked him with emotionless face although I knew exactly where he was going with this.

„When are you going to tell her?"
„What exactly?" I knew so damn well. But I was scared to talk about it even to my own brother.
„That you're gay." He raised his eyebrow as if I was stupid.
„Im not going to."
„Why?" She deserves to know!" He raised his voice in disbelief.
„I can't Aden okay? It's not that easy how you imagine it. I can't come up to her and be like "Hey Clarke. Im gay hope you don't mind"."
„You know she's gonna be okay with that right?" I couldn't ignore his soft eyes looking at me but I didn't answer.

I parked in front of Madi's house where she was already waiting. Aden motioned her to come inside.

„Hey." Aden gave her the biggest smile.
„Hey guys. Thanks for inviting me I thought I would die from boredom." She smiled and we chuckled.
„You're not with Clarke?" Madi asked me.
„Apparently not." I sighed.

Madi and I were close since I used to spend a lot of time at Griffins place. She often came to visit so we got to hang out with her. Aden and Madi also go to the same class so they're pretty close too. I can imagineher like Clarke's sister.

For the rest of the road Madi and Aden were chatting about some school stuff and gossiping about their classmates.

I, on the other hand was lost in my own thoughts until we arrived to the parking lot in front of the Go Karting building.


Clarke's POV

„Are you okay baby?" Finn snapped me out of my thought while he was staring at me for almost 3 minutes.
„Yeah, yeah. Im fine."
„Are you sure I mean you've been staring at your food for a while." He chuckled but with concerned look in his eyes.
„Im fine. I promise." My hand fell on top of his as I gave him reassuring smile to let him know everything is okay.

„What were you thinking about?" He asked.
„This one thing keeps running through my mind. Remeber when we met Lexa earlier today?" He rolled his eyes with intention of me not noticing but he failed.

„She told me something about having a boyfriend." I was shocked myself as I was saying it.
„Yeah? Well that's good isn't it?" He tried to act like he cares.
„Why wouldn't she tell me earlier. She's also 18 and she's never dated anyone. She said she's not into relationships. Why would she fall for someone all of a sudden?"
„I don't know." He shrugged while he was cleaning his teeth after he finsihed eating.
„I wonder if Lincoln knows."
„That's cool but can we please talk about something else?" He was clearly annoyed at this point.
„About?" I wanted to tell him that he should be here for me and he should listen to me and help me with stuff like that but he never cares about anyone else than himself or us. I let it go for now.

„My place?" He smirked.
I smiled at him and nodded slowly. He payed for the meal and we left the restaurant.


He opened the door to his house but before he could close them properly I pushed him against them and kissed him roughly. He immediately kissed me back while his hands were on my hips under my shirt.

„Take me...upstairs." I said out of breath between the kisses. He slowly nodded and without breaking the kiss we went to his bedroom.


Lexa's POV

„Thanks guys once again." Madi smiled when I parked in fromt of her house.
„Maybe we can go again sometimes?" Aden asked her excited and looked at me.
„Im down." I shrugged with smile.
„Okay. Thank you again. Have a good night." She waved at us and ran towards her house.
We waited for her to opend the door and eneter te house so we know that she arrived home safely.

„You like her." I smirked at Aden while we were on our way home.
„I- I don't." He blushed.
„Oh come on! I see how you look at her." I bursted out in laughter from how red he was.
„I don't like her! And even if I did it's none of your business." He turned his head to look out of the window because he wanted to act mad.
We stayed silent for the rest of the road.

I really enjoyed today. Even tho I got to spend like none of the time from the day with Clarke. I tried to not think about it but I couldn't stop wondering what she's doing right now. If she's safely home ir with that jerk Finn.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2020 ⏰

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